OH NO! (Hand, Foot, and Mouth??!!)


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2005
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Brody's had a little friend over to play today. The baby's mom found a slight rash on his knees and his bum...that just looked like nappy rash. We decided that the knees rash was probably fricton from him crawling everywhere at baby group this morning.
Quite quickly, he went went very clingy and tired, and just sat there on his moms rash having a cuddle for ages.

I took his temp and he was normal, she booked a doctors appointment to be on the safe side, although we both thought it wasn't likely to be anything more than the start of a cold or something.

She called me later to say since she left my house the rash appeared on his hands, and the doctor had said it was "hand, foot and mouth"

It's very contagious, via bodily fluids, (and this baby had drooled all over Brody's toys!) but not serious, they feel tired and miserable, and if the rash is in their mouth it can put them off food for a few days, it ony lasts about a week.

I'd never heard of this before...and have spent most of the afternoon sterilising all my toys and giving Brody a bath!

I will know in the next few days if Brody has caught it. :(
Does anyone here know of anyone that's had it?
I was talking to a woman in the Drs who's baby had just got over a bout of this. Her baby was fine but during the time he had it he was poorly and generally not interested in anything. She thought it had been chicken pox at first due to the spots but when she took him to the Dr they diagnosed him with this (why is it when you have a baby you end up talking about all sorts lol).

Am keeping my fingers crossed that Brody escapes it. Here is a link that might help xx
Oh Urchin... I hope that Brody doesn't get it. :pray:
It not something I'm familiar with - keep us posted!

Emilia xx
Well I have an update.
I think MASON has it. He wasn't even here when the other baby came around, he must have picked it up off one of the toys.
He's had a high temp and a sore throat since yesterday, I didn't really think much of it, but today he came out in a rash :?

I hope he gets better soon it's half-term next week and we usually do loads of cool stuff.
So far Brody is still fine (although the doc told my friend it takes 3-6 days for symptoms to appear, and the other baby came around on Monday.)
Mason seems fine, if a little hot, I've kept him off school today so I'll be stuck in the house for a bit.
Poor Mason. I hope its just a 24 hour bug thing and that both your boys are ok. xxx
I feel bad in a way I'm just waiting for Mason to go down hill. When the other baby came round to play one minute he was fine, then the next he was whinging, grumpy and very clingy.
Mason seems fine except for the rash, we have made rice-crispy cakes and played lots of games :)
Well, Mason's rash got a little bit worse, just came out on his face a little bit, still very small pimply spots like heat rash.

I called my docs and asked to talk to a doctor because this "hand foot and mouth" is not supposed to be on the face, but Mason is fine otherwise, just like normal, running around in the garden, no sore throat anymore or anything so I didn't want to take up an appointment space unless I really had to.

Anyway the receptionist was really rude! She passed on my info to the doctor and then said "the doctor says if it's an emergency, go to A and E" I tell her "well I don't think it is, because he's fine, he had a sore throat yesterday but that's gone now I just wanted to check about this hand foot and mouth thing" She says "yes so if he's had a rash and another symptom that makes it an emergency and the doctor says if you've rang up for an emergancy appointment today you'll be better taking him to A and E"

Well you can imagine, I didn't want to take him and Brody all the way to A and E to sit there for hours to get told he's fine and to take him home again, so I rang NHS direct.
The nice nurse told me if he's fine and playing and not got a high temp anymore then he should be fine and just keep an eye on him.

Sounds like your having a right time of it :wall: :roll:

It's awful isnt it - I remember when Heidi had her rash and wasnt well. You want to get it sorted because you want to help them and hate seeing them feel poorly - but you dont want to be a pain by being in A&E, when potentially there is no need to. Bloody doctors!! :roll:

L x
Well it's still just as bad today.
I'm think I might end up going to A and E after all. NHS direct suggested walking into a pharmacy and asking so I'll do that first.
I'm a bit worried his eyes seem a bit puffy too, but he's not long got up so I'm waiting to see if they go down.

Piriton liquid and an antihistamine and is great for rashes etc but I'm wary of "hiding" the rash before I get it seen by someone.

Is Mason feelinmg ok in general apart from the rash? Hopw is Brody - any signs on him?

Hope you get some answers to day hun xxxx
Hiya everyone thanks for you messages.

I went to the pharmacy and the guy said it looks like he's either eaten something or come into contact with something that he's slightly allergic to. PHEW!!
I can give him piriton now and he can go out and do stuff as it shouldn't be contagious.
Brody is fine and well so far...FINGERS CROSSED! If he caught hand foot and mouth they say it appears within 3-6 days, today is day 5 and he's still his normal happy self so hopefully he's in the clear (touch wood)

It'll be just my luck if Brody gets it tomorrow, then passes it on to Mason next week so then I'm all messed up for a fortnight :?
Glad that Mason and Brody are ok - will keep my fingers crossed that Brody doesnt get it.

I know you love your school hols and do lots of cool stuff with Mason.

mmmmmm i've just been catching up on posts and this one really intrests me.
Abi has had a spotty rash very much like prickly heat on her elbows belly and back for about 4 days, she's hardley eating anything but is taking plenty of milk and is really grisley and hard to settle at night, do you think this could be the hand foot and mouth thing? i've never heard of it before.
Hiya Manda
Mason didn't have it in the end, it was just a coincidence that he came out with a rash at the same time.

With hand, foot and mouth the spots definitley go to those places and stay there. If she doesn't have the spots on her hands etc she hasn't got it.

Masons rash did look like prickly heat, I figured he'd either been near new soap or had an allergy to a new top he'd worn or something, but he was fine in himself. If she's grumpy I'd go to a doc.

Hope that helps.
doesn't sound like hfam then thank god, she's got a stinking cold today, must register with a dr :?

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