OH MY GOD ouch :(


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2011
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So after a few faint lines and then none i started my period at 5 am after 40 days since the last and i was ok not heavy , so i went into the garden to clean my rabbits out and i felt sharp pains on my right side about ovary placing , i carried on working and then ended up in that much agony i felt like i needed to push on the toilet , i went upstairs sat on th etoilet and it felt like i was being stabbed up my bum and i felt sore all inside esp my front ovary place to the back, i honestly never felt such pain, i had to shout OH because i was going to faint , he lay me down on the bed where i had to stay until it edged off a bit, then throughout the day its faded and my period is now heavy and gushes when i sit on the loo, i'm wearing pads because i feel like i cant put a tampon in its sooooo sore in there,

Is this normal with PCOS? I satrt my 100 mg of Clomid tomorrow too and i'm scared about the side effects and being full time at college too x
I don't know about PCOS, but i do sometimes get very sharp stabby pains like i've sat down on a hot poker and it's ripping right through me.

I don't get it very often, but it does tends to accompany a very heavy period.

The last time i got it, i had about three waves lasting about 20 secs each.

I hope you're alright. Maybe phone Nhs Direct if you get it again xx
Thanks Lou , i usually have really heavy periods but i have never honestly felt pain like that , before my period i sain i could feel it coming as i was getting a stab in my right lower abdomen then that!, the only time i ever felt like fainting with pain , and i did , was when i had a miscarriage at 14 weeks plus . Its gone now more or less , but i feel open inside ?? hard to explain and thats why i wont use a tampon. I will def phone or go to the docs if it comes back it was horrible x
Awww :hug:

Ive felt like that on aprox 15 of my last 22 cycles and ive just been diagnosed with PCOS. Some months i bleed thru a super tampon in an hour others i dont, when its that heavy i get lots of clotting too, and when i sit down i feel it in my bum, and it hurts when i go to loo too. It sometimes gets my inner thigh too, hard to explain, but painful.

My 1st cycle after clomid wasnt too bad, im still on 50mg.

Keep your fluids and sugar up, hot water bottle, ibuprofen and paracetamol and you'll feel better :)
Thanks Chaz, Well its eased , it was just a very painful thrust into my new cycle. Taken the Clomid and it did make me feel a bit tired . Called the clinic to let them know i've started.
Oh man I get that, it's the most horrible thing and it hangs around forever!

Hope you're feeling better now
I am thanks Scotch , just feeling a bit flushed , is that normal after taking Clomid on the first day? x
YES :) on my 1st cycle they hit me instantly xxx

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