Oh my god!!! Old wives tales!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2008
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I honestly can't belive some people!! They really make you laugh! We were at a friends last night and she thrusts one of her babies booties in my hand..her reason? I need to stick it under my pillow when doing bd to help with fertility...WTF!!!!!! LOL

Oh and here's another one. In the Cypriot tradition, they need to roll a baby on the marriage bed the day you get married...The poor kid! LOL

Anyone got anymore?
Oh my God, those are hilarious! :rotfl:

I havent heard any, but can mention some stupid silly advices when TTC like: Feed ur DH shrimp WTF? It makes his spermies stronger..
Eat penaut.. what is up with eating things??

If it was that easy..
The shrimp thing isn't as stupid as it sounds. Shrimp, prawns, oysters and other shellfish are a great source of zinc. You may have noticed that lots of doctors/fertility advisers suggest that men take a zinc supplement or try to get more zinc into their diet in order to improve the quality of the sperm.

Peanuts also contain zinc, plus selenium and magnesium, and omega oils. The obsession with 'eating things' is because quite a lot of male fertility problems are associated with nutritional deficiencies.

The baby booties under the pillow and baby-rolling are rather less rational, however... Though in Scotland in the 18th/19th centuries, when there was a tradition of big families, it was quite common for the oldest daughter to take a toddler sibling with her when she married - partly because she would have helped her mother care for the younger children, and her mother couldn't do without the help, but partly to encourage her to reproduce herself (a bit like starter yeast in breadmaking :rotfl: ) .
Kittykins...i have noticed that you know rather a lot...well done!!! :clap:

I am always impressed with your posts! :D

Ive not heard any old wives tales...but I am off to mothercare to buy some booties now!!

x x
I'm very easily distracted and read anything and everything! :rotfl: But I do have a very good memory for text, so if I read something once, I can recall it very easily, so I'm lucky that way.

I don't think the booty thing works if you buy them yourself - you need an item of clothing worn by a baby. Anything will do, it's just that booties are small and babies tend to lose them easily anyway, so if you have a friend with a baby, she's bound to have an odd one floating around :rotfl: plus booties are probably the only item of clothing that babies don't puke on. Though I bet some manage it :roll: :lol:

oh, as for the Scottish tradition - I researched my family back to the 1400s, and I was surprised to see that so many of my female ancestors were looking after a sibling. Someone at a local records centre up there explained it to me. Must have worked, they were all quite prolific. I have a local history book at home with a photograph (well, daguerrotype) of an old lady in it. She was in her 80s at the time (not bad for the early 1800s), and had 12 children, more than 50 grandchildren, more than 90 great grandchildren and a scattering of great great grandchildren. I hope I inherited her fertility genes.
Oh no! Too late, Ive just got back from the shops after buying 3 pairs of booties! (you know Im kidding right????)

Interesting stuff about your family...twins run in mine but right now id be happy with just the one! :D


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