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Oh my actual gosh...


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2010
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.. In just over a week I'll be moving into Tri 3.. Surely this isn't right?? Do I have to go?! I'm not ready! Next thing you know I'll be in labour!
Time feels like its dragging but then when I say I'm nearly 26 weeks its like where did the time go?!

Anyway, I'm kinda having a nervous breakdown about going into Tri 3, on one hand its great cause nearly time to meet my boy but on the other hand its nearly time to give birth! Terrified doesn't even begin to cover it!!xx
That's exciting but bloody scary!! Lol. You'll be ok, and tri 3 ladies can give you lots of help and advice I'm sure, just post s worry thread and all your worries will be sorted!! The wayi look at it is people do it more than once, so you can do it!! When I move to tri 3 I'll be sh***ing my panties but oh well it's got to come out some time! And just think of the bundle you'll love so very much. I can't wait to meet my bambino, just a few anxieties to get over about labour! Lol! Xxx
Don't be scared! Think positive-pma (positive mental attitude) is the way forward! This is my second and I can not wait to give birth again! x

It's really not scary in tri 3 and you'll still have a good few weeks before your little boy arrives to prepare! Unlike me who has less than 5 weeks until I'm due! Yay!!!!

We'll look after you x
Tri 3 snuck up on me so quickly that I was in it before I even realised!

*totally unreal*

At some point I'm going to realise that at the end of this I'm going to have an actual baby!
Oh I can't wait to have him here, I even wish I could fast forward to christmas so I can cuddle him but I'm such a wuss, I hate pain, for some stupid reason I'm gonna try and do it without any drugs as well so I know I'm gonna freak! I am however looking forward to terrorising my OH while I'm in labour so maybe I should concentrate on that!
I keep telling myself the same thing, people do it all the time so it can't be that bad... Right?!
Bless us! X
Lol well there you go, you answered your own question, you can't wait to have him here, so you'll be ok! Xx
You'll be great! Just try and tell yourself positive things rather than 'i know I'm going to freak' x I had DD with no drugs and I'm hoping to gave this one at home so even less drug choice! Don't forget things like tens machines and birthing pools can help with pain (though not at same time obv!) as well!
PMA.... PMA... I think ill write that on everything so I don't forget!! I'll try my very best to have one, though I would expect a few threads in Tri 3 where I'm freaking out lol

Aaahh 5 weeks, how exciting :hug: though I do think you're slightly crazy for looking forward to labour!!

It'll all be good... No pain no gain.... PMA

Haha I'll try to remember not to use them together!! That tickled me that did x
Your be fine with us in tri 3 Hun, like Helen, I'm on my 2nd and actually looking forward to the labour and birth!! My pain is really low, I cry when I get period pain hahaa and I only had gas and air in labour with Lacey, so your be fine and I also found tri 3 slows down so your have plenty of time to get prepared!! x x
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Does labour get addictive like tattoos or something lol
oooh goody, more time to prepare then, though what's the betting I end up moaning it's going too slow!
I pass out when I get paper cuts so I have no faith in myself whatsoever!! Though strangely I can be tattooed for hours without feeling it so ill just pretend it's like that!x
I think it's different to other pain though because there's a really good reason for it! It's not just like someone stamping on your foot for an hour and then saying 'there you go, a sore foot'-you actually have a baby to show for it! Pretty much like you have a tattoo to show for the pain(?) of that-I didn't find my tattoos hurt though. Not sure if that made any sense whatsoever!
It made sense don't worry! I know what you mean, it's all worth it in the end, it's just getting
my head round it that's hard! Plus there's gonna be logs of strangers looking at my foof :( not liking that idea!! X
Hahaa trust me you don't think about your foof when your in labour! All your dignity goes lol
Wow already! I remember meeting you in 1st tri, I think you were going for your 12 week scan not long after I joined. Time does seem to be flying now!
I keep having flashforwards of me in labour screaming get away from my foof!! It's actually quite amusing lol

Yeah Mrs B I remember you joining and you're right!! It does seem to have flown by but sometimes it seems to drag aswell it's weird! X
yes im feeling a little nervous today about labour but not been nervous before xx
Ahh you will be fine, Tri 3 is where all the exciting action happens, and you won't mind a bit, as when he is born, you will have done that!! wow

Loving your little boys names by the way, thats the first time I have seen it on your ticker, well done

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