Oh FFS !


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2010
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Why is it when I tell my friend I dont want to be hounded she rings and textsd me asking if I've popped yet :strangle:
Tell her do p**s off! Lol! I used to scream at my phone when I got the 10th have you had the baby yet txt of the day!!
How annoying is that?! Especially after you've told her you don't want hounding! x
Shes done it again today!! I'm getting proper pissed off she even posted on my mums facebook wall yday and my mum told her I was fed up, don't she get the f**king hint!!
ignore the text messages and don't even reply. She'll soon get the message (hopefully)
I'd put a status on fb saying to all my friends, I haven't had the baby yet but will let you all know when I have!! that way it's not just aimed at her and it's not being nasty but hopefully she'll get the hint!!
I used to update facebook daily to let people know nothing was happening. If i didnt get on first thing I would have loads of wall posts and messages asking if I was having the baby. :wall: it was so annoying.
lol this has made me laugh but I totally get you haha. send a text saying really I will let you know when ive had the baby you dont need to keep asking xx
I agree with claire! Send her a message saying you're not going to keep it a secret when baby arrives and you will let her know! Lol!
the first thing that we all will do, when we have time and stop staring at our baby lol, is let as many people know that we can tell that the baby has arrived, we want to tell the world lol, tell her to shust lol xx
im not looking forward to the texts and phone calls!!!

thinking of telling everyone my due date has moved to later lol
I'm really lucky no one seems able to remember my due date! Lol! x
Well she effin' called AGAIN - missed call yet again :smug:
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I've not got to my due date yet and i would be rich if i had £1 for every text/ message asking if i've had the baby!!!!
Since 35 weeks a friend has asked me everyday bar 3 yes only 3 days if I'm in labour or had baby yet :wall: it's like I will let you know and she still askes?!?? I'm getting to the end of my tether with it I seen her earlier so crossed the road just to tell her I haven't dropped yet save the text message hahahaha!! I put on facebook I hadn't dropped a general update for everyone and I got a privet message from her saying please text me coz I don't check facebook often I was like WTF?!? So that didn't work either lol!!! I know she is just trying to be nice and it's really sweet but oooooohhhh myyyyyy goooooodness! Lol so I know how you feel xxxxxx :hug: (mini high jack of thread sorry lol) xxx

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