Oh dear....


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2010
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I hope I can keep myself occupied and not feel down or lonely during my maternity leave..... I'm only on day 2 and had a bit of a downer today. It's because OH tried to phone this morning but I was in the bathroom and by the time I got to the phone it had cut off. He left a really short msg just saying that he was going out on a operation and would try to call me in a week. I haven't spoken to him in 3 weeks :sad: I felt bad because I'd missed the call but also because he only tried to call me once and gave up and didn't say anything about the baby. He's been on facebook but has only posted examples of his work and barely messaged me at all.
I'm trying to keep busy and have lots of jobs to do such as sort and wash baby clothes, clean the house top to bottom etc but I'm just worried the I won't be able to keep up the momentum if you know what I mean....
I just wish I was still where I used to live, close to my Mum and friends then I could really enjoy my Mat leave. Don't get me wrong, most of the time I'm fine, and I don't really feel alone because I've got baby inside and my 2 cats but today hasn't been the best.
Also I worry that OH won't be the family man I really want him to be and he'll continue to be obsessed with work even after bubs is here.
God, what do I sound like???!!! Thanks for reading if you got this far!! I'm sure I'll be fine tomorrow :)
:hugs: I'm sure you'll feel better tomorrow. The days I haven't been at work I have just made sure that I dont do everything in a oner and spread my jobs out so I have something to do everyday.
I'm sure your OH will be great - I know from being deployed myself that when you are away you need to stay 'in the zone' as much as possible otherwise it gets very hard being away from home. Sometimes the hardest person to talk to is your OH just because you do love them and miss them so much.
Ah hope u feel better soon is there anything u can do to fill up the days to keep u distracted? Think men are just like thatmy oh never sks bout baby just asks about me and says he means us both
Hey hon, sorry u had a rough day - OH will be thinking about u and bubs all the time so u will have nothing to worry about at all. Big hugs and fingers crossed he calls soon x x x
Chicky your not having a good day! Just try to relax doing we bits here and there ! Totally understandably you are missing your other half. Hope you have a better day tommorrow xx
Ah thanks guys, I know I'm just having a bad day, most of the time I'm really positive and am really enjoying my pregnancy! I guess we all have days like this!
aww bless ya hun,

im sure 2mo will be a much better day, i kno my OH was away last week only for 3days but i felt like i had lost my arm n didnt know what to do with out him!

at least uv got plenty of time to relax now ur on maternity leave, take things steady n enjoy the crappy day time tv, lol

im mucho jealous got 10 days left til im on mat leave, and on MAJOR count down!!

Oh dear u poor thing! Just try and enjoy this time to yourself before LO arrives! Hope u feel better tomoro :hugs: x x

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