Oh dear.


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2008
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I think I just lost my plug. At least there was a quite dark gooey blob. Sorry about TMI. And I have the mother of all period pains. Nothing regular coming and going, but constant back-ache. Maybe I shouldn't have eaten those pineapple chunks last night, but I feel rather off now. Do you reckon Horatio might be on his/her way now or is it too early to get excited? Actually I still need to do some Christmas shopping (haven't even got the tree yet!) and I haven't packed my hospital bag yet either.

Something tells me I should get back to bed, but I just can't get comfortable and I don't want to wake the bloke.

Oh dear.
morning :D
It might be the start but you can lose your plug a couple of weeks before anything starts so who knows

No plug for me but period type pains and hardenings of tummy have got me up every 40 minutes for the past few hours - its just easier to stay up now !!

I know that it'll turn out to be nothing though = just my luck :x
Well, I hope for you that it turns out to be the real thing. Fingers crossed.

With me, I'm not so sure, I keep saying that I'm bored now of being pregnant, but actually I could do with a few more days. Without the pain, though.

Do you find that your baby is quieter at the moment? Horatio seemed quite lazy yesterday and this morning. I felt enough movements to keep me from worrying, but definitely less than in the past few weeks. But that's probably me now starting reading too much into anything
OO period pain, thats how I started! :cheer:

Hope you are both on your way!!
widowwadman said:
Do you find that your baby is quieter at the moment? Horatio seemed quite lazy yesterday and this morning. I felt enough movements to keep me from worrying, but definitely less than in the past few weeks. But that's probably me now starting reading too much into anything

Well he is quiet this morning but yesterday his movements were making me cry they were so big and painful :(
I just dont know what to expect anymore - there are definately less than previous weeks though but that maybe because there's not so much room to move :think:

I was not happy last night, one of the cats burst my gym ball so had nowhere comfortable to sit all night - think a trip to argos os needed today for a new one :wall:
was not happy last night, one of the cats burst my gym ball so had nowhere comfortable to sit all night - think a trip to argos os needed today for a new one

Oh dear. One of my biggest fears is that I could burst my space hopper with my walrus proportions (thankfully I haven't grown tusks yet, though), but so far it has survived. I'd be mightily annoyed with that cat.

Another daft question - how much show is normal? Is there an amount where I should start to worry? And how can it be, that I've been so calm and cool about it all all through pregnancy and now I start to crumble?
yes, very annoyed with the cat, but even more so with DH who tried to balance him on there :wall: :lol:

Not sure about the show, ive not had anything so far which prob means that if i wasn't due to be induced next week i'd be VERY overdue - typical
Men. Tsk. Keep forgetting about the consequences of their actions...

At least you know for sure that you're going to have your baby sometime next week at the latest. I probably will still ramble on about possible signs in this thread and drive myself and the whole of PF crazy.
ooo good luck u both! period pain is how i started....
trixipaws said:
ooo good luck u both! period pain is how i started....

Me too! I didn't even realise I was in labour until my waters went and got to hospital and was 5cms dilated :D

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