OH and Shopping?


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2010
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I have been browsing for baby stuff with no intention to actually buy anything right now but I'm only looking for a general idea and to just see what I would LIKE to buy..

I'm only posting this because my OH is being the most negative arsehole I have ever met right now and is not interested in the items I show him..

Is it just mine that isnt interested or is it me shopping to soon? What your OH's like with this?


Babe OH's are weird! Lol mine wouldn't even talk about the baby til I was 7 weeks.....@ast when I've mc 3 times. They deal with it all funny but he will soon be excited and wanting to take out shares in mothercare
my OH isn't really interested in baby things right now.........thats why we have PF :)

My OH is great :)

really he is....got involved right from the start

we made a pact that we wouldn't start shopping till after 12 week...

as for shopping...he hates it :( so i reckon that will be left to me :dance:
OK so i just mentioned it to OH and he said we aren't buying anything until the baby is born :shock:

lucky for us i will be deciding what and when we buy! he said he don't want to jinx it!! OK but the baby will actually need something! xx
Poor DH hasn't even had a look in. Told my Mam yesterday and she immediately commandeered me for baby shopping trips. I don't think he's too upset :)
when were men ever interested in shopping!? lol 95% of men dont believe women are actually preg till bump shows and i dont think they realise they are actually going to be a dad and its all going to be here and happening.... my hubby says "u just dont know till babys screaming at ya!" lmfao but yes they still need stuff haha xx
Lmao @ pos's OH!

Men are so dumb!

Phew thank god it isn't just my OH who isn't interested - I was getting quite peed of with him but I'll let it go seeing as it is just a male thing!

Tell you something tho .. It isn't that when OH went shopping for stag do clothes 2 weeks ago!! 5 hours he had me in the Trafford centre for .. AND we visited Next 6 times in that one trip!!! I was ready for knocking his block of!

Phfffftttt! X

i feel ur pain loopylou, my OH takes AGES when its for him...gggrrrrrrr!! i just dont get why he's not interested in my choice of dresses and whether my new top looks ok against my skin colour!! xx
My OH HATES shopping of any description. Made him take me shopping for some maternity clothes and I lost count the amount of times he huffed and puffed. In fairnes tho he did start looking around the shop at baby stuff but i think that was to get away from the clothes.

He has been scouring ebay for stuff so I leave him to that :)
My OH hates shopping until you get him into a sports shop and then it's like he's on drugs as he carefully examines all the new kinds of football boots he's never going to wear as he's too old to start playing again!
I made him go into 1 shop on Saturday to get a maternity dress and he huffed and puffed and when I showed him what I was trying on the best he could manage was 'well, it doesn't look bad'.
I give up, but at least I'm not the only one!
Mine hates shopping too, and I can see the pain in his eyes when I drag him into shops, but bless him, he'll still do it and not complain.

He's not showing much interest in the baby yet, but I suppose we're a bit busy feeling sorry for myself as I am having a horribly uncomfortable time.
My OH is very keen.
We've been to several baby shops in the town centre already :D

He's got his heart set on a Kurvi-Abstract pram (£378)! He's also just seen a gorgeous moses basket. He said we should go halfsies on it, I agreed! Baby is definitely going to be spoilt by OH, he wants all brand new stuff for him/her.

I even had to tell him "NO!" the other day in boots as he plonked several baby toys in the basket :lol:

I'm sorry your OH isn't 100% just yet but give it time. I think after my scan me and OH were more into the shopping than beforehand, even though my mum bought us a lemon blanket and some booties at around 8/9 weeks pregnant :) xxx
My hubby hates shopping but I think most men do :roll: but he is like me at the moment and doesn't want to rush into buying anything yet, gonna wait and have our 2nd scan done first and then think about what we want to get :dance:

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