Officially a SAHM - anyone else?

I'm a part time SAHM - I work 3 days a week.

I don't know if I could be a SAHM full time. I love being with Finlay but I like work too cos its time to do something that I also love :D
im a stay-at-work-with-the-baby mum. Best of both worlds :D
both my self and my oh are stay at home parents we have a fantastic family life.. my oh is trying to find work but theres hardly no jobs now its very difficult. but i lov e the fact that we havent missed out on theire firsts id rarther look after my chuildren then let someone else do it.
Im still on mat leave, due to go back in june. My job is just a job though, not a career or something i love doing. It will be good going back tho-a wee break, and much needed money :)
I resigned on Friday so I'm joining you... though I have Supply Agency Teaching interviews over the next couple of days so could be doing the odd day soon.
I have to go back to work 4 days so it's part time but not really part time :(

I don't particularly like my job so going back to work will be hard. Since Molly has been born I've wondered if I would actually like to be SAHM and I think I would. I know this could change as she gets older and more demanding/more active but I feel more satisfied when I've looked after my baby, house and husband all day than I even have in any job I've done.

I definitly want to go to college in the next few years so not sure exactly what the future holds but for now I suppose I'll just enjoy the rest of my time off (can't believe 2 months have gone by already)
I am a SAHM too and I luuurve it!

When I was pregnant we did look at nursery fees and me going back to work - but it just didnt make sence as most of my basic wage before bonus would be going to someone else for the pleasure of looking after my child.

I still do book keeping for my FIL's company from home. Well, since he is in the states and I am here, he inputs all the costs, receipts and invoices, but I do the wages and monthly account reconciliation so my brain is still getting used every now and then :)
I'm a SAHM. I do enjoy it very much, its been a great 2 years :D
But I am looking into going back to work. I work for myself and have kept my buisness open while I have been on long term leave. I've done the odd job and have got a couple of websites to do at the moment. I will probably go back full time next year (unless I'm pregnant by then) when Dan turns 3.

I'm also thinking of going to college, but not sure what to do yet.
When I was pregnant I was in the RAF. When Maddison came along I realised I would have to leave RAF as I couldnt bear going on detachments for 4 months and leaving her so I put in my notice and am now a SAHM. I love it and will be staying at home for another little while as I'm expecting again. I started working part-time just before Maddison turned one but the company got burned down so havent worked since. I will go back to work though, probably part-time to begin with :hug:
I'm a SAHM! I am also a student part time, starting my course at the end of the month. Studying is going to be interesting as Kai seems to be getting really clingy and won't settle during the day unless I am holding him :roll: Got an assignment to finish as well!

I'm loving being a SAHM, going to be like this for a couple of years until I qualify, then full time student whilst I do my PGCE.
I'm a SAHM too. I had a job as a Christmas temp for just over a month but that's ended now, but it helped me get over my PND. When I finished I felt more confident in myself, and appreciate Ella more.

I have an interview for College next month, then after that course I hope to go to University and have a career :)
poppy160 said:
I'm a SAHM too. I had a job as a Christmas temp for just over a month but that's ended now, but it helped me get over my PND. When I finished I felt more confident in myself, and appreciate Ella more.

I have an interview for College next month, then after that course I hope to go to University and have a career :)

thats what my job did , it changed me completely and it was only 5 weeks of work !!
Very interesting, quite a few here are either studying or thinking about going back to studies. Out of interest, what are you girls studying/ hoping to study?

If I was start studying all over again, I'd do psychology. Mainly because it interests me, not necessarily that I'd like to work within that field...
Im a SAHM too. I love it but sometimes wish I could do the odd day at work for a break :lol: Im planning on returning to work when James goes to playschool (when he is 3) thats if I havent had another baby by then :D
I am planning to have a year off and then go back parttime, will hopefully being TTC baby number 2 from august onwards so hoping i wont be back at work for long!
me! :cheer:
i enjoy it, for the most part. but i don't get out much, probably my own fault because i cba getting all the stuff together you need for taking a baby out, plus, i don't drive. sometimes i feel myself getting a bit bitter towards my OH because he's been out in the day... even if it is just to work!
Gem & Leland said:
poppy160 said:
I'm a SAHM too. I had a job as a Christmas temp for just over a month but that's ended now, but it helped me get over my PND. When I finished I felt more confident in myself, and appreciate Ella more.

I have an interview for College next month, then after that course I hope to go to University and have a career :)

thats what my job did , it changed me completely and it was only 5 weeks of work !!

I know, it's so good! But for me, 5 weeks was all I needed because now I don't want to work at all, I just want to be with Ella all the time!!

BabyMagic said:
Very interesting, quite a few here are either studying or thinking about going back to studies. Out of interest, what are you girls studying/ hoping to study?

Well, I would like to study Midwifery, but I need to do the Access to Nursing course first, which I have the interview for next month. At the moment I'm studying to become a Make-Up Artist, which I will have to finish by July :)
BabyMagic said:
Very interesting, quite a few here are either studying or thinking about going back to studies. Out of interest, what are you girls studying/ hoping to study?

If I was start studying all over again, I'd do psychology. Mainly because it interests me, not necessarily that I'd like to work within that field...

I am in the middle of my degree, I finished my first year whilst pregnant. I am now planning to finish the rest in Maths with the OU, so that I can stay at home :D
Ooo I missed this! I am a SAHM! I was a SEN teacher before, but we had waited a long time for our wee baby so I wanted to stay home with her. It was a massive decision. I earned a lot of money (gone through threshold and had management and SEN points), so dropping down to one salary and relying on someone else was a major thing to get my head around.
We are not stupidly rich, we have just been careful. We have a tiny house that we bought nearly 8 years ago before the price hikes, so our mortgage is small. It isn’t the best house in the world, but it is good enough to bring our child up in. I have to count my pennies very carefully, but I love being at home with my little one. I think I am appreciating it even more now as I would be having to think about leaving her now and I know I just couldn’t.
I figure as well, I earned a living nurturing other people’s children. Why pay someone else to do it for my child, when I could be there doing it.

Having said that, I really understand why some people enjoy working outside the home too. I do have the odd day now and again when I crave an uninterrupted tea break and an adult conversation. Being a SAHM is hard work.
Yeh I'm a SAHM although officially I'm working at home, as our business isn't properly sorted yet (it's a website and we've been having a lot of glitches) and DH is dealing with all the technical side of it, for the moment I'm not doing a whole lot other than sending the odd email to customers. I'm also technically still a uni student but I'm taking this year and next year out, so it doesn't really count.

So I'm more a SAHM than anything else really.

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