Off fags now for a week with patches


Jan 16, 2007
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Well as soon as I found out last week that Im pregnant I stopped smoking all together, my husband also stopped with me so thats a great thing. Ive seen in some posts that patches are bad for you when youre pregnant but I guess its better than inhaling all the crap from cigarretes. I find that I give up quicker with patches even though my husband read Allen Carrs Book that really helped him.

Im so determined to stop this time coz when I was pregnant with my second child I didnt stop smoking and had the occasional fag. He suffers with ashtma now and I cant stop but blame myself. I didnt smoke with my eldest daughter and she has no problems at all.

I still do have the occasional craving... like now... I really could do with a fag!!!! But Im determined to stick it out if it means that it will benefit the baby :)
Well done you, for giving up! I've just found out I'm pregnant and I'm still smoking. I didn't smoke during my other two pregnancies, so intend to give up this time too. I'm putting a test in to the doctor's today, so when I get the result, I hope then it will feel "real" and I'll be prompted to give up.

I had asked about using patches on this forum. I agree with you that the slow release of nicotine only from the patches via the skin must be better than inhaling all the other stuff from cigarettes, but there were mixed views from the others on whether patches should be used.

I gave up for 3 months last year, using patches (I wasn't pregnant though), but didn't get off the patches!!! As soon as I stopped using them, I started smoking again. I'm not sure they help in the longer term - they reduce the craving, yes, but what happens when you take them away?

In my first pregnancy, I gave up cold turkey and didn't smoke again for around 7 years. It took me ages to be able to take up the habit again (though why I wanted to escapes me now!).

Do what's best for you. I think giving up is best - I mean, imagine being in labour and not able to nip out for a fag? :D As well as not wanting to touch your newborn with smoke on your clothes/hands.

Ha - listen to me, giving you advice! I'll need to give myself a stern talking-to :oops:

Well done again - the first week is the hardest so you've "broken the back of it already"
Good luck with quitting!

Patches are 'not recommended' but fags are definately not good! My doc & midwife said that patches are far better than cigarettes and that using patches is much better than carrying on smoking cos theres loads more crao in fags.

Good luck, you can do it! Ive done 8 weeks now and stopped using patches. It is really hard and the cravings are killers but they only last a few seconds so just try your best to fight them!

Chewing gum also helped me.

Good luck with quitting and pregnancy x
well done for quitting, it is so hard. i gave up 2 years ago after smoking for 14 years and i haven't looked back since, the best thing i ever did!! I found drinking a glass of water instead of a cigarette really helped.
remember, the cravings only last for a few minutes
good luck :D

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