October Babs: Updated with mummy list


Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2008
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So girls, how many of us are gonna have October bambinos? I think there are quite a few, from what I have seen....? :clap:


Here is the list so far...

Ani - 20th
MrsH (Kate) - 27th
Solo - 24th
Lynsey - 28th
Chrissy1 - 24th?
Ally1979 - 19th
Fly (Sarah) - 30th
Andrianne - 31st
Louxlouxbellex - 27th

Hiya me me!!!

So excited and nervous at the moment!

Any of you having any symptons yet? Got a heavy feeling at the lower bit of my tummy, and a stretching feeling, keep feeling a bit dizzy now and again and my boobs hurt now and again!

Looking forward to getting to know you all

Kate xx
:wave: :wave: ME TOO!!!
Working out my own due date around October 24th!!! :cheer: :cheer:
Me too! I think my due date is Oct 28th. My boobs have been hurting on and off too and I keep getting cramps low down every now and then. Just waiting for the sickness to hit me now!

So excited though!!! It's so nice there are a few of us having Oct babies xxx
You lot have the best deal IMO! You get your LOs a whole extra year at home before they go off to school! Mine will be the youngest in the year (due Aug 23rd) and will be going to school when he/she has only just turned 4. Seems so young! Yours will be almost 5!!

So... Yes, I think you are very lucky girlies! xxx
dannii87 said:
You lot have the best deal IMO! You get your LOs a whole extra year at home before they go off to school! Mine will be the youngest in the year (due Aug 23rd) and will be going to school when he/she has only just turned 4. Seems so young! Yours will be almost 5!!

So... Yes, I think you are very lucky girlies! xxx

I hadn't even thought of that! How funny! But your baby will never have his/her birthday at school as they will be chilling in the summer holidays!
My only symptoms at the mo are sore boobies and AF-like cramps now and then. Oh and I have some spots, which I dont normally have. To be honest, I feel great!

I wonder when we will get morning sickness... :shock: we will probably all get it together. So there are 3 of us at the moment, I think there are a few more, we will just have to wait until they see this post.

:hug: :hug: :hug:
dannii87 said:
You lot have the best deal IMO! You get your LOs a whole extra year at home before they go off to school! Mine will be the youngest in the year (due Aug 23rd) and will be going to school when he/she has only just turned 4. Seems so young! Yours will be almost 5!!

So... Yes, I think you are very lucky girlies! xxx

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: Now thats what I call forward planning!!
Mine will be October too! I have posted about this before as am yet to see the mid wife but my cycles have been long so its difficult to tell if I am 5 weeks or 7 weeks pregnant. I will get one of those little tickers just as soon as I know - but it will either be beginning or nearer the end of October. :cheer:
dannii87 said:
You lot have the best deal IMO! You get your LOs a whole extra year at home before they go off to school! Mine will be the youngest in the year (due Aug 23rd) and will be going to school when he/she has only just turned 4. Seems so young! Yours will be almost 5!!

So... Yes, I think you are very lucky girlies! xxx

How is 2nd tri Dannii? Bet you are missing us.... :wave: :rotfl:
Yep! I was even saying to my mum earlier "aww it's going to be too diddy to be wearing a school uniform :( I'll have to roll his/her sleeves up lol"

Anyway, I've even thought about the poor chap/young lady who can't go clubbing with their friends because they won't have ID for about a year after their mates lol!

I'm starting to think about grandchildren as well!!

Anyway girls, you might not get half the symptoms some women get! So think positive! "No sickness!" "No sickness!" "No sickness!" :pray:

Can't wait to see you all over in 2nd tri!!! xx
yay, me too. Only just found out yesterday, tested again today so wow. From what i can tell on the internet i'm due around 28th oct too. Will be a week late birthday present for me all being well over the next 9 months. Thought it was in my head last few days but have had nausea, annoying cold and last 2 days AF like heaviness in lower abdomen. So thought i was going to get a BFN when i felt that but turns out i was wrong! :cheer:
Congratulations Fein_but_waiting :cheer: we'll be going through it all together, my OH and my birthday is in October which will be a bit of a nightmare on the birthday front later on but then I suppose it gets them all out of the way in one go!!

Me me me me me me :cheer: :cheer:

I think I'm due around October 24th and I can't wait!!

I've not got a massive load of symptoms yet i'm just really really tired. I am struggling to stay away past 8pm and the past two nights I've been fast asleep on the sofa for two hours before get woken by DH and sent to bed!

I've had a couple of waves of nausea but I've not actually been sick yet and I've got very sore bbs, particularly when I take my bra off or try lying on my front. I'm getting really bloated at night times and I seem to be hungrier more of the time too.

apart from that I don't feel any different..... :rotfl:

I just can't wait to go and see the doc or a midwife.... I think it will feel a bit more real then.
So weird about all the birthdays... my birthday is the 30th Oct. and my sister's is the 9th Oct. and I am due on the 20th Oct. Right in the middle! :D

I agree with Chrissy about the tiredness - I am sooooo tired... :shock:
Congrats Fein_but_waiting!! Welcome to the Oktoberfest for babies! :lol:
Hello everyone.
I got my BFP on the 19th after a year of TTC. I have estimated my EDD is on the 17th October but that may change after seeing midwife due to cycles being all over the place.
Looking forward to going through it all with you guys x
yeh, i also have managed to do it after just over a year. this morning, i was saying to my DH who ever would have thought i would be excited to feel sick!! hehe. thanks and a happy and healthy 8 months to the rest of you too :hug:
Hello other October mummies :wave: There are loads of us! Hope everyone has had a good day.
Just added Gypsy to the list - Oct 27th! Congrats to you!! :hug:

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