October 2014 due dates

I recon that's what I will have to do. I expect there records have still got my old due date which was nearly a week behind, I will give them a call after the bank holiday weekend.
My midwife booked mine at my booking appointment so I guess she just does it differently! It's not til I'm 17w 3d though which seems like a long wait :'( it's because of the bank hol at the end of May and then my dating scan put me forward 3 days! Are people thinking of taking their partners to this one? I wasn't thinking of doing but then heard that you get to hear the heartbeat for the first time at it? Xx
My OH went to my booking appointment so its up to him if he wants to go. I expect he will though.
My oh won't be coming as there is no point him being there at all. You just have your tribe tested, weight checked and bump measured.
Mine was given to me at my booking appointment, but then mw rang to change it as she had booked it on may bank holiday Monday! Xx
My scan picture has gone in the Easter card ready for my parents to open tomorrow. If you don't hear from me again it was nice talking to you all and good luck with your pregnancies. Lol. Xxxxx. :wave:
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oh wow Claire!!! Was it still a secret your pregnancy or is it just a scan picture to be a suprise?
you really testing your will Claire! I am impressed!

we wanted to keep it secret until first scan but few very closed friends were told at 6 weeks, then at 8 weeks and then both families has been informed on mothers day :) keeping secrets is not our best ability ;)
I had to tell a couple of people at work a couple of weeks ago because I had to have a risk assessment done as I was having a couple of days off because of my sickness. We wanted to tell our families after our 12 week scan which I had last Wednesday and was dated 6 days on . I had a MC last October so I wanted to make sure the scan and the blood tests were OK before our families knew.
Hope everything went well today Claire.
It is my last day in tri 1 today. Looking forward to all the nice bits of pregnancy coming up. See you on the other side girls.
so glad this pregnancy is doing well Claire! Hope your family was nicely suprised.

Happy Easter everyone! In few years time we will be planning eastrer egg hunts for our little babies at this time! xx
Hi girlies I hope you had a good day. Well I handed over the Easter card. My mum opened it, shreaked lol , my dad stood there with his mouth open and said is this what I think it is, and there was hugs and tears all round. My mum and me had a moment when she held me in her arms like she did when I was a child. It was such a special moment. My dads been stoking my tummy ever since. Now they have all gone home now after choosing what they want to be called. Mum wants granny like her mum was, dad wants grandad like his dad. And my brother is just gunna be called unck lol. :lol: xxxxx
Aww Claire, that's so lovely, glad it was a success, sounds like it was a very special day x well done on holding out, it's so hard to not tell! Xx
That is Fantastic Claire. What great reactions. My in laws didnt decide what they wanted to be called till DD was 18months.
Sunday we are telling OH family, I'm not really worried what they think. But I know they will just be as happy as my family. :lol:
My name is Kerry my EDD is the 23rd of October. This is my 2nd child, my son will be 4 in June. Been trying for a year before falling pregnant finally. Am engaged and plan to be married summer 2016 :)
Beautiful Claire. What a wonderful experience for you and a lucky baby to have a great family around :) xx

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