oct 2010 mums


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2011
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i was just wondering how much milk your lo's are having? before we went away marley was on 2 x 8oz bottles, one when he woke and one at bedtime. after afew days in italy he dropped the night one but slept through like normal (he was having dinner at 8pm instead of 5pm to fit in with their routine) then he started to refuse the morning one! the whole time we were there (the last 4 weeks or so) he hasnt had any bottles whatsoever, just formula in his breakfast. he was still sleeping 10 hours or so at night and taking just water if he woke (cos of the heat) now that we're back in the uk..same thing. the last 3 night ive made 7oz aand given it to him while he has been asleep lol and hes taken it all. if i offer it to him before bed he has a huge fit and gets all worked up!!! any hinters?? im gunna introduce cows milk with breakfast in the next few days. also...whilst away he was drinking alot of water during the day...now im lucky if he has 2oz from waking to going to bed. ive tried all diff cups mugs beakers u name it...he just doesnt want it...starting to worry and think hes gunna dehydraate... =(
thanks in advance
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Tegan has one bottle before bed i make 8 Oz but she drinks about 5! she has about 14 Oz of water a day though so i know she isn't going to dehydrate xx
14oz! My god! Isla has around 100ml whatever that is! No advice though sorry as am still breastfeeding. Isla has cut down on her evening and morning milk and will drink a cup of cows milk x

Charley's already on cows milk, he stopped being sick once I put him on it. He's still having 3x 8oz bottles, he will not drop any of them!
If Marley won't drink milk just make sure he's getting plenty of cheese, yogurts etc x.
Herbie is September baby but still 6+ bottles a day I cut them down to 5oz so now he's having more he was having 4x8oz, it's like having a new born
thanks for all the advice ladies. LM..how did u put him on cows? just switch completely? im gunna get some tomorrow..maybe he will like the taste more than formula! lanny...omg 6a daay! lol bless him!! hes had 5oz whilst asleep now! will update! xxx
I changed his mid morning bottle 1st then did straight swap. He's not noticed a difference and he's been alot better on it x x
thanks! i'll try him tomorrow!! =) he loves parmesan, and any cheese and has 2 yoghurts a day aswell!
Drake is on 3 bottles a day, ranges from 5-8oz. He's showing no signs of dropping any either.

As long as Marley has a varied diet and plenty of dairy products he should be fine. Maybe give him vitamins too if your worried he's not having enough nutrients.
What uses going to do when they turn 1? LM & yodabo.
I just can't see him stopping anytime soon, I don't mind as he still eats but it's almost every 3 hours like when he was a baby I tired not giving him it and offering a snack but it's the bottle he wants,
Hopefully when he go's onto cows milk he will cut down
Hoping fingers crossed to make a straight swop. We'll see how it goes! I'm not fussed if he stays on the formula a little longer though.
Charley hasn't cut down since going onto cow's milk.
I've tried stopping his mid morning bottle but he moans until he gets it so I'll keep giving him 3 bottles a day until he drops it himself.

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