Obedient wives


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2006
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Anyone watch it last night? I was shocked that people still live like this. My OH thought it was great :evil:
i watched a few bits. i was also watching Trapped By My twin on Channel 4. that one was a big joke as well, pretty sad i reckon.
i watched trapped by my twin too, such a sad story. poor girl- there must be something wrong with the other twin :(
tangerinedream said:
poor girl- there must be something wrong with the other twin :(

i think it's both of them really, i mean did you see the way they argue??? i understand that there might be some psychological defects there, especially since anorexia is a psychological disorder, but come on they've gotta stop the bickering it's just ridiculous!!
i'll try to cut it short because it was a complex documentary. it was about the love/hate relationship of a set of twins from amsterdam. the sad thing was the amount of unnecessary competition between the two. they both went through anorexia, and so there is constant competition over who is skinnier/more powerful etc. they made a pact to eat the exact amount of food, so before they eat, they have to literally measure each other's portions of food, and make sure that one is not eating more/less than the other. their food portions have to be identical each time, otherwise they argue for hours. and the arguing is the worst bit. they really sound like 8 year-olds, u can tell there's something wrong with them! i think they're about 26, cant' remember. each trip to the supermarket causes an argument because they can never agree on what to buy. they can't live without each other but they can't live with each other either. they are so competitive and at times full of hatred it was a bit disturbing to watch, to be honest.

that was looong :rotfl: :rotfl:
frangelle said:
Anyone watch it last night? I was shocked that people still live like this. My OH thought it was great :evil:

no i didn't see it. was it good then? were the men waited on hand and foodt or something?
I've decided from now on...I'm gonna be one of those obedient wives... what do I have to do again?? :rotfl:
I could never b like that im too independant and bossy :lol:

Never b a lap dog me :lol:
oo i love being subserviant tasha! its less hassle :lol:
frangelle said:
I didn't see it, what was it about?

also to add to laetitias post, one of the twins nearly had a sucessful career in paris with jean paul gaultier but her sister (whos attempt at a careear failed) became depressed and the anorexia began. the sucessful sister tried to support her but had to sacrifice her career. now the depressed sister has pulled her into a downward spiral of anorexia and mysery. She treatens to kill herself if her sister tries to be independant. when asked by a psycologist the depressed sister said she doesnot want to change a thing :(

hope that made sense :think:
frangelle said:
Anyone watch it last night? I was shocked that people still live like this. My OH thought it was great :evil:

I wouldn't say I'm subservient what so ever but I don't work and my husband does so I don't see what's wrong with making his dinner/lunches etc, running the bath and so forth. He doesn't make all the decisions etc (espeically not about baby) but I cook, clean and look after him as really he is at work all day to allow me the lifestyle and looking after that I'm now used to. The ladies on the show I think took it one step too far in certain ways (i.e. letting their husbands dress them or dictate how they cut/colour their hair) but I see nothing wrong with taking care of a man who spends all day working/providing for their wife.
I didnt see the programme but from what people have said I get the gist.

I dont work at the moment and I wont be working this summer, when I do it's seasonal work. When I am not working I do all the cleaning, cooking, ironing etc as my DH is at work all day and I like to do it, this is not to say that he does nothing as he is very good and will help whenever I need it. during the summer, if I am working, I work 7 days a week and we share the h/work and cooking etc.

whilst I have been pregnant though he will only let me do the cooking and some ironing, he fusses that everything else is 'heavy' work, bless him.
i saw the advert but didnt watch the programme.
I felt too guilty to watch it :oops:
I agree that if OH is working all day theres nothing wrong with doing the housework, cooking etc - it just seems like a fair balance to me and nothing whatsoever to do with equal rights blah blah blah lol

We both work so we both do our share, although I must admit he does much more than me around the house, but when I take time off to have a baby im sure there will be much more for me to do :lol:

I see an odd thing happening with this obedient wife thing, its swept across america and is catching on here, which in a way is pretty scary. But im not sure whos the worst, the wife who is willing to compromise herself or the husband who is happy for her to do that!

Im not a feminist, I believe that men and women fit together in balance and should compliment eachothers strengths and weaknesses, and every couple has the right to choose the roles they are happy with, but this "subservient" thing is just way too far, and in my opinion spits in the face of all those who fought for womens rights!
I never saw it, but I pretty much run after my hubbys butt all day - and I don't mind as he is out working.
When I was still working it was 50/50.
clasper said:
I've decided from now on...I'm gonna be one of those obedient wives... what do I have to do again?? :rotfl:

1. Never argue with your partner, he is always right, even if you know he is wrong, keep your mouth shut

2. Give him sex whenever he wants it regardless of your feelings

3. Leave all the desicisions to your man as his solution would be far better than anything your feeble mind could think of.

4. Allow him to chose what you wear, how you wear your hair and how to do your make up

Need I go on? I wear the trousers in my house, wont catch me being a surrenderd wife, plus god knows what i'd look like like if OH chose my clothes and did my hair and make up :rotfl:
Nicola said:
frangelle said:
Anyone watch it last night? I was shocked that people still live like this. My OH thought it was great :evil:

I wouldn't say I'm subservient what so ever but I don't work and my husband does so I don't see what's wrong with making his dinner/lunches etc, running the bath and so forth. He doesn't make all the decisions etc (espeically not about baby) but I cook, clean and look after him as really he is at work all day to allow me the lifestyle and looking after that I'm now used to. The ladies on the show I think took it one step too far in certain ways (i.e. letting their husbands dress them or dictate how they cut/colour their hair) but I see nothing wrong with taking care of a man who spends all day working/providing for their wife.

Nicola I am the same I don't work and my husband does so i tidy, cook, clean etc.

But do you leave ALL desicions to your OH including what to wear etc, even what you eat when you go out? And never EVER disagree with him as he always knows best and you must not upset him. And to give him sexual gratification whenever he demands it?

This is what I have a problem with...
1. Never argue with your partner, he is always right, even if you know he is wrong, keep your mouth shut - Bollocks to that, men are always wrong when it comes to anythin important!! :lol:

2. Give him sex whenever he wants it regardless of your feelings - No ta, if Iv got a headache uv got a hand, go bloody use that!! :wave:

3. Leave all the desicisions to your man as his solution would be far better than anything your feeble mind could think of - No way otherwise I wouldnt have my little Jam man :evil:

4. Allow him to chose what you wear, how you wear your hair and how to do your make up - Id b in a binliner with hair down to my feet and no make up on :puke:
It actually came from a book 'The Surrendered Wife' by Laura Doyle. It sounds like the biggest pile of poop ever!

I'm gonna write one called 'The Surrendered Husband'- anyone want to reserve their copy now? :rotfl:

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