O.M.G! I'm soooo frickin BORED!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2011
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Ladies, I'm sooooooooo bored now!!

Don't get me wrong, there's plenty of stuff to do around the house but I don't find that in anyway enjoyable! I like the outcome of a nice, tidy, clean home, but actually doing it bores the crap out of me.

I need to find a hobby, cos housework doesn't take up every single spare moment of everyday! Trouble is, I just don't have a hobby I can participate in whilst pregnant :lol: There's only so many times a day that I can walk my dogs in the rain!

I'm defo having "ONE OF THOSE DAYS!!" Persuaded OH to take me out for a drive soon before I kill someone :lol: Weather is crap here so not much to do outdoors and I love being outdoors.

Help!! What do you ladies do apart from housework and bunmaking to keep occupied? Don't think that I can take another 8 weeks of this!! :wall2: x
I have no idea on how to occupy myself either!! Like you said I like the idea of a nice clean and tidy house, but actually doing it doesn't appeal to me! But when I am up for doing it doesn't take much of my time. Up and then I'm back to square one! Hurry up nesting, then I will find loads to do! xx.
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I have no idea on how to occupy myself either!! Like you said I like the idea of a nice clean and tidy house, but actually doing it doesn't appeal to me! But when I am up for doing it doesn't take much of my time. Up and then I'm back to square one! Hurry up nesting, then I will find loads to do! xx.

I'm same as this. It's driving me mad, not like I can just go sleep either coz I av watch n entertain Lil lad, I'm board out my head, bought a tv for bed room yesterday so set that up n just in bed watching corrie repeat, need to wash all bedding but again can't be assed! No motivation x
Yip I can definately relate! I did all my housework on Friday so this morning I did my sisters ironing (shes just had a daughter so have been trying to help her keep on top of things as this will mean her sanity stays intact! :lol:).

Then I headed to hers to visit my beautiful neice and to deliver the ironing. After that hubby finished work and we went out for dinner. I think we are going to go to cinema later this eve to see Hangover 2 - I hated the first one but am really just going so that I can overdo it with popcorn :oooo:

It really can be hard to get the time in - part of me hates going out on a Sunday eve cos then before you know it its bedtime and back to work on Monday morning :(

I think I need to series link some more programmes into my planner for days when I really cannot find anything to do! Trying to find a new hobby with 10 weeks to go just seems like a waste of time!

Next weekend I am hoping to get nursery painted even though all the bedding and stuff that I have ordered won't be here for about another 4 weeks!
I've written a huge list of all the cleaning jobs that will need to be done once the nesting instinct kicks in - that way I feel like i have done something even though I haven't:whistle:
my nesting has been and gone. i still like it tidy but with everything i have had going on ive got in abit of a rut and now the house really needs sorting out again but i just cant get motivated to do it now. gonna have to though.

other than that ive been trying to meet up with friends or family but am now feeling so tired all the time even that feels like a chore.

might go to hobbycraft and get some stuff to make my own thank you cards when bubs is here. xxx
I can relate to the lack of motivation. I have loads I want to do but I am constantly tired at the moment and just can't be bothered. I went and bout a load of new cleaning stuff the other day and now just need to use it! I want my house to be pristine but DH has been hit by his own male form of nesting which is taking shape in wanting everything painted freshly and new carpets and pipes being boxed off in the bathroom etc etc! So what is the point in having a deep clean when its all going to be disturbed and need cleaning again?!

I am so lazy, I spend my days snacking, sleeping, watching tv and bouncing on my ball. Occasionally I go out shopping or for coffee but can't be bothered much!

Hey, I'm not on martinity leave yet so I'm pretty busy even though some days I just wish I could stop in bed... I'm thinking of joining a book writing class, is there anything your interested in that you could find a group for? such as pottery or yoga? I'm going to join antenatal classes too when I go on mertinity leave, got another 6 weeks yet though :( (Sorry about spelling x)
I made a scrapbook of my pregnancy with pictures of bump and notes on development of baby and any other significant information such as when we found out I was pregnant. It's quite nice looking back through it. xx
I actually after posting on this, changed the beds n washed all bedding hehe, x
Is also Boad tryed to get in to Brightion but we turned around now at home doing washing lol katewinters on fb if any one wants to add..

I have 7 working days left and so I've made a list of things to do while on maternity leave. Here it goes...

1. Finish the wedding album! - We just got the CD from the photographer and wanted to make our own album...1 year and 4 months since the wedding and still not done! Doh!
2. Wash and iron all baby things
3. Wardrobe overhaul - still have summer clothes (live in Australia) hung up, so need to store away.
4. Cook meals to freeze for the first week or two after bubs comes
5. Read, read and read some more!
6. Re-read hypnobirthing text book
7. Listen to hypnobirthing CDs every day
8. Attend a 'hypnolates' class (every Tues for 4 weeks)
9. Attend a weekly pilates class
10. Attend a weekly aquanatal class
11. Clean, clean, clean!
12. Might try and paint a picture for the baby's room
13. Buy final bits such as nappies, toiletries etc
14. Pack hospital bag

Hmm, haven't got my list on me so not sure if I've covered it all, but it sounds about right! :)

Hopefully I won't manage to do it all within a couple of days...I've got 6 weeks mat leave before baby comes! :lol:

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