Nursing strike


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2010
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Owen has refused boob completely since Monday morning 6am. The first few times I tried he just bit my nipple but now he screams and won't even entertain the idea of putting it in his mouth.
Has anyone had this? Did it resolve itself?
He started full time nursery on monday after being mornings only for the last 4 weeks he seemed to have settled in well though but when I picked him up on Monday afternoon is when he first bit me. He has also got impetigo which has given him sores around his mouth and he is teething very badly. I think all of those things have caused it but I have no idea how to fix it. I have tried having lots of cuddles and skin to skin but he is not impressed by that plan.
I am expressing as much as I can but it's hard as he's quite demanding and wont let me pump while he is awake (which is all day, he only naps in the buggy when out and about and wakes up as soon as we get home).
Should I be giving him the expressed milk in a cup (he wont take it from a bottle) or should I not to encourage him back on the breast.
Please help x
Goodness sounds stressful! Sorry I can't help, really hope your ok!

I would give him the expressed so he is still getting the breast milk and keep offering the breast regularly, he might be in pain with the teething etc. When is his favourite time to nurse? That's prob when he will most likely be happy to feed again. I have heard its normal for them to go through nursing 'strikes' when they get a little older. I can't see how old your lo is as Im on my phone but some babies self wean earlier than expected too, hopefully it will just be a mini strike and he will be back to normal very soon though x

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