nursing chair - do I really need one?

Small Flower

Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2008
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Hey mums,

Do I really need a nursing chair? Baby will sleep in our room with us for the first 6 months, then in his nursery after that.

Is a nursing chair really neccessary? This is my first baby, so no expereince. Will I be breastfeeding him sitting in/on our bed or on sofa in lounge.

They just seem such a lot of money, and then what would I do with the thing afterwards? We already have enough junk and furniture in the garage!

What is your advice?
I never bothered with one and I've managed fine to BF my LO without.

I like to sit on the bed and also am happy to sit on the sofa. I use a pillow to put LO on and in the early weeks held him in to me to feed. Now he is bigger he just sprawls out on it and latches without my help :)
I wouldnt bother as long as you have somewhere comfy and lots of cushions. I feed Eva in all sorts o positions now, laying down when I'm feeling lazy lol, sitting in bed, crosslegged on the floor, in the car, etc etc, but prob not great for my posture lol :lol:

When we were still learning I sat in an armchair with a cushion behind me and a pillow on my lap for a bit more support, once bubs learns to latch on its much easier to be sloppy and sit anywhere!
When she was in our room I fed her in bed, downstairs was in any chair but for her room I got a cheap rocking chair (£10) and bought some cushions for it. I found it useful not just for feeding but for unsettled nights I could sit with her and I could lean my arms on the chair arms.

If I hadn't found the rocking chair for so cheap I wouldn't have bothered with one and probably wouldn't have missed it too much. As it happens I think it was a fairly well spend £10!
I coped without, as gorgeous as the nursing chairs looked I just thought that's a lot of money that could be better spent some other way. Lying down is a good way, or the sofa, or sitting up in bed with cushions/pillows on your lap so your arm doesnt kill :lol:
I never had one for either of my babies... both were fed fine... get a boppy pillow though apparently they are great and portable where a feeding chair isn't... :D
I couldn't afford one. They are so so comfy but i just couldn't spend that sort of money on them. I used the nursing pillow a couple of times but that was only worth the money in the last stages of pregnancy. My settee and bed do the job perfectly well.
I got one free with my nursery furniture, but, tbh, I never use it. I usually lie on my bed or sit in the arm chair with some pillows.
It's probably best to wait until after the birth and get one if you feel you need it. I decided to get one after the birth because I was so uncomfortable and in so much pain in 3rd tri that there was no way I could choose a comfy seat. 9 weeks later I still haven't felt the need to get one.
The nice ones are sooooooo comfy and supportive but they are also soooooo expensive which is why I haven't got one! They are also quite big and I don't have anywhere to put it! TBH they are totally unnecessary- I used pillows and cushions in the early days and as LO got bigger, progressed to using the My Brest Friend cushion which made it easier and more comfortable to feed her in her nursery on a chair with no arms. Save your money for something else.
Thanks for your replies girlies, I've decided not to waste my money on one then, I'll just use the sofa or bed and lots of cushions.

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