Nursery Plans

That looks great Gem.

Im like you Happy Bunny i need ideas so more pics please.

Im thinking along the lines of Lemon and maybe green :think: but im really not sure i cant seem to make my mind up :rotfl:
Cant wait to post pics, looking lovely laydees and great bargain G3M
The rooms are all looking great so far :D're brave getting a cream carpet! I had one in my old flat that I moved into when James was 3 months old (I didn't know what kids are capable of back then)
When we moved out of the flat a year ago the cream carpet was a gorgeous shade of grey with various multicoloured stains :lol:
im doing a butterfly theme and have bought some beautiful things. walls are going to be 2 walls pala pink and two walls white.
my brother is an artist so he is painting me murals on the two white walls, painting butterflies in glitter paint, his design looks lush!!

bedding is all white and pink butterflies and i have the prettiest sparkly canopy to go over her coty, ahhhh cant wait
mrsbrickelltobe said:
im doing a butterfly theme and have bought some beautiful things. walls are going to be 2 walls pala pink and two walls white.
my brother is an artist so he is painting me murals on the two white walls, painting butterflies in glitter paint, his design looks lush!!

bedding is all white and pink butterflies and i have the prettiest sparkly canopy to go over her coty, ahhhh cant wait

Thats sounds lovely you will have to post a pic when its done.
we're gonna be relocating a month before the baby's born so i dont need to think about nurserys for a while yet. Planning to keep bubs in with us a while anyway so no rush :D
I've insisted that baby goes in our room for the first few months but OH is not happy. He wanted baby either sharing with James, or if a girl, he'd divide James' room into 2 so they have a room each.
He's now announced that he will be sleeping downstairs for the first few weeks cos he doesn't want to be woken up several times a night when hes got work the next morning. I don't care, more room in the bed for me :evil: He aint touching my lady bits for a good few weeks anyway if that's what he's worried about :lol:
James didn't go into his own room until about 6 months.

Anyone else planning on putting baby straight into the nursery? Or are you having baby in with you initially?
that seems a bit harsh of your OH muppetmummy... :? i can understand him wanting to get a good night's sleep, but still... 'fraid i've told my OH that he's gonna have to put up with whatever i put up with! as far as i'm concerned, i'm going to be working full time bringing up our child and running the house for him - i think he's got it easy cos his routine is going to be staying much the same. but i'm probably just a bit evil and sadistic! :twisted: :rotfl: trog will be in our room until we get a bigger place - and then perhaps after that too - whatever we feel is best for our little boy and us :)
I thought he was over reacting a bit too. He was in a bad mood last night though cos he'd spent the afternnoon in casualty with a mate who'd cut his finger off with a hedge cutter, his grandad died the other day as well so I think he's still upset about that too.
Might bring it up again when he's in a good mood
baby will be in us for first few weeks but no longer im only doing that because the 2 bedrooms here are on different floors one upstairs and one downstairs and i wanna get baby in some sort of routine before we go upstairs as the stairs are quite dangerous i dont wanna be going up and down them hundred times a night :)
manda xx
our bubba will be in with us for as long as he/she fits in the moses basket. I was ultra paranoid with my first and moved the cot into our room so she could sleep with us until she was a year old! Im a bit more relaxed about it all this time though, lol, so we've decided it'll go in its own room as soon as its too big to be in the basket.
muppetmummy said:
I thought he was over reacting a bit too. He was in a bad mood last night though cos he'd spent the afternnoon in casualty with a mate who'd cut his finger off with a hedge cutter, his grandad died the other day as well so I think he's still upset about that too.
Might bring it up again when he's in a good mood

aw... your poor OH - sounds like he's had a rough few days :hug: i'd just leave it til nearer the time... xx
Baby will be in with us for a couple of months and then once in a routine he can go in the nursery.

I want the nursery done and dusted tho before he's born.
picking the nursey stuff up in morning :cheer:

as for sleeping , he will be in with us to begin with , but im a terrible sleeper ( sooo light) that if having him in with us means he has a terrible mum due to no sleep then he will go in his room , but his room his only 3 steps away from any toher room in the other , and ive got a baby monitor with sensor matt too , id rather be a better mum and capable of looking after him then being stubborn and wanting him in with us , brian was shocked that he was even gonna be with us , he thought he'd go straight into nursey ( dam bringing up babies programme) and tbh , hubby does work long funny hour / time of day shifts and if his bringing home the cash , then he needs to sleep too , cant be patrolling the streets like a zomby :rotfl:
yeh sorry been out most of the day , there;s loads ! some of the well used stuff is a bit faded like the sheets but otherwise im well chuffed , there;s not enough sheets anyway so will get some more , its a lovery lemon and aqua colour , gonna look great !
our baby will be sleeping in with us in our bed for at least first 2 months as im breast feeding, it makes more sense.

Then it will go into cot when i start back at work as i wud have stopped breast feeding and daddy can do all the night feeds :rotfl:

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