Nurse in suspected suicide


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2012
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Just seen on the news that the nurse involved in the kate middleton prank call has been found dead in a suspected suicide... Such tragic news!

The 2 Australia Dj's have taken down their twitter accounts over backlash online..

What a waste of a life...
So sad :(
Those 2 djs are going to get a hell of a lot of trouble coming their way!

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Oh gosh! Her poor family! Her poor poor children!
Them DJs should be ashamed of themselves that poor women xxx
This is incredibly tragic that it has escalated in this way. I hope she rests in peace.
Omg!! What happened? What's did the d.j's or the nurse do?? I'm so in the dark
The djs prank called the hospital pretending to the Charles and the queen asking about Kate and the nurse put them through and then have details of Kate's condition xxx
Omg :shock: that's really bad of them - and OMG poor lady feeling that low to kill herself :,(
Them DJs should be ashamed of themselves that poor women xxx

I don't think they can be blamed for the outcome! It was a silly phone call for goodness sake, all they did was phone the hospital pretending to be the queen and asked to be put through-which the nurse did! Why should they be ashamed? They didn't tell the nurse to commit suicide. That was her choice.
Them DJs should be ashamed of themselves that poor women xxx

I don't think they can be blamed for the outcome! It was a silly phone call for goodness sake, all they did was phone the hospital pretending to be the queen and asked to be put through-which the nurse did! Why should they be ashamed? They didn't tell the nurse to commit suicide. That was her choice.

I have to agree. No one in their right mind could foresee what's happened. However, surely once put through they should have hung up, instead of continuing the call and broadcasting details that clearly were confidential. It was obvious that they would have gotten her into trouble. But I don't think they should be held responsible for her death! For all anyone knows she could have been struggling with suicidal thoughts for a long time.
I just went online and read up it wasn't her that gave the info over it was the other nurse she put them through to. My husband just said the death is at this time "unknown" and treated as suspicious and he is wondering if she has been killed as lots of people like the royals and it was leaked through the radio station that she took that call
Have you read the article? It isn't suspicious, it's 'suspected' suicide. It was the nurses who gave out the info but she was the receptionist who took the phone call and put them through.

Such a sad time and the radio presents have been suspended.

Read it!
Them DJs should be ashamed of themselves that poor women xxx

I don't think they can be blamed for the outcome! It was a silly phone call for goodness sake, all they did was phone the hospital pretending to be the queen and asked to be put through-which the nurse did! Why should they be ashamed? They didn't tell the nurse to commit suicide. That was her choice.

That's ur opinion Hun and I have mine x
The article I read said it wasn't being treated as suspicious, and as far as I understand it, she just put the call through, she didn't give out any information.

I don't think the djs can be blamed for her death as such, but I don't know how they thought such a "prank" was a good idea?
The dj's are not responsible for her committing suicide! Their clearly did, however
take their 'prank' too far! As said above, they should never have let confidential info be given
out live on air!! The nurse must have been depressed to start with & this tipped her over
the edge! Her poor family- so tragic and right before Xmas too. :-(
Why shouldn't the presenters and the radio station be accountable for the consequence of their actions?????
As Nurses WE are accountable to our actions within our code of conduct... it was a prank that went far to far, the nurse was probably in fear of her career, livelihood, mortified for her family and colleagues..... thought that she would be made an example of... yes she might had had issues to start with that the DJ's weren't to be aware of... but then they should not have done it in the first place.... it has not shown an awful lot of respect for the staff at the hospital or for the privacy of William and Catherine

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