Nurse in suspected suicide

These dj's should never have made the call, but the nurse who has committed suicide didn't give out any personal information she just passed the call on. Has the nurse who gave the information out killed herself? In my opinion the nurse who killed herself must have had other reasons to commit suicide not just this. Yes, she could have been disciplined etc for putting the call through but it wasn't the worst thing she could have done. There has got to be more to this than that.
i just think if a family member of mine was in hospital and someone made prank calls i wouldn't find it funny. The Australian law is that they need to get permission to broadcast prank calls they said they called the hospital five times. i doubt it as the hospital wouldn't be allowed to let them broadcast clients information! x
^^ I am not disputing that, Nursing is a hard enough job as it is, most of the nurses I work with have been on anti-D's at some point through their career.... it is idiots like this that have no consideration for other people that end up being the final turning point.... Yes the worst that would have happened (best case scenario) is she got disciplined, especially as unfortunately when celebs/high profile individuals land in hospital journalist push and push to get the information any way they can.... policies and protocols will have been looked at and reviewed.... but that will have not been how she felt at the time

We have to live with the consequences of our actions... so should they
I completely agree, but if I was one of those djs the thought that I was at least partly responsible for someone killing themselves, would haunt me for the rest of my life.
They shouldn't have done it and I don't think they should be allowed back on the air, but is it 100% their fault? I don't think it is.
I think everyone who knew about it and let it happen is to blame - look at Russell brand and Jonathan Ross they lost there jobs didnt they and all they did was really piss someone off, i think the radio station need to stop trying to cover there tracks and hold there hands up what they did was illegal in there country whether someone died or not.

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