

Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2008
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Just wondered if any of you girls have experienced numbness in your left hip. I have only been getting it since I fell pregnant and only at night if I lay on that side. I try to lay mainly on my right but just have to change over sometimes and invariably fall asleep and wake up with a burning sensation and then numbness that can last ages even in to the next day. I don't get pins and needles though. Its really weird!!! :?

I've not experienced this so would recommend ou ask your care giver about it whether that be doctor or midwife. Sounds like it could be baby sitting awkwardly or something. :hug:
I havent felt it either...hope it goes soon.... :hug:
HI there, Are you still getting the numbness? I always used to sleep on my back and now i'm trying not to but whenever I sleep on a particular side left or right I seem to wake up with numbness in the top of my leg and hip. I wil probably mention it to my MW at my next appointment in a week but not sure to call before? Lindsey
yes i get it, no matter which side i sleep on, i wake up with numbness in that side. and sometimes pins and needles in the opposite hand/arm
i think its bad circulation but im gonna ask midwife at my next visit too :hug:
Hello :wave:

Yes I still get it but only in my left side - I wedge a pillow under my left side which seems to help but I'm going to ask the doc at my 16 week appointment. I did a search on here and there seems to be quite a few people who suffer from it but usually further on as the baby gets bigger and traps a nerve so I'm not overly worried but its so annoying to get comfortable! I'm not that big so god knows what it will be like when I am!
I went to the doc about this last week as it's been keeping me awake at night. I get the burning in my right hip and back ache.

I've been getting it since I was 12 weeks. I'm ok during the day but as soon as I sit down I stiffen up. He said it's the muscles and showed me some stretches to do.

I really need to go swimming more as this helps me.

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