number of people allowed


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2007
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WHen u have a scan.. is there a limit on the number of people that can go in with u....
I am asking as when i have my 21 weeks scan.. my parents will be visiting from the USA and thought it might be nice if my mum can come in and look as well as my hubby... don't want to say anything to her though and get her hopes up if i'm only allowed to take my hubby in with me...
I think it depends on your hospital, try calling them and asking. I would have thought that if you explain they will allow it. I know my sister was allowed her DF and both her daughters in with her for her last scan.
My letter only stipulated not to bring children as it can affect the sonographer's concentration. But it's probably worth double checking with them as I'm sure you wouldn't want to disappoint your parents if they were to tell you that you couldn't on arrival.
i think thats terribly discriminating.. telling you not to bring children.. sorry but i dont have child minders or family that could watch my daughter for me int he day time. i would ring up n complain if i had a letter such as that lol.. sorry gruntie im not sure..
There is that. It didn't really occur to me as a problem because this is our first! With a bit of luck, though, any other babies will be born up north so I won't have to fret about it. Not that that solves it for anyone else who has to go to Epsom and has kiddies.
we were only allowed 1 adult, they even made kieron sit outside (he was 14) when i had mine even though we ha taken him to see the scan, luckily i had a few scans so on one of them malc didnt come and i took kieron instead
on my leaflet thing it said that i was only allowed to bring one person with me to avoid any embarressment, whatever that means. i guess its probably in case they mistake ur dad for ur bf or vice versa in some cases lol. that was for my 12 week scan tho so i dont really know about my 20 week x
it will mean so they dont have to say no you cant come in
i took Dior with me to mine she was only about 3months old. what trouble could she make if she was fast asleep in her buggy? but the midwife was so arsy about it and stroppy hahahaha

ps my dad always gets m,istaken for my partner ewwwwwwww :puke:
I was told 5 people and if they were children that they had to be supervised by someone other than myself, i.e. another adult. I think it varies on the hospital and area etc. Call and check, no reason your partner couldn't come in then swap with your parents or something if they said just 2 etc.
I'm pretty sure we are only allowed one person in Peterborough too...
we are only allowed 1 other person at our local hospital
My hospital (Huntingdon) must be really good then! I have to go in on my own to begin with for both scans then after they have done all the nessery checks etc they will call hubby and my children in.

Also my mum is coming to my 20 week too and I don't think there will any problems :D
Here we're allowed 2 adults with you and not allowed children in. I got told it was because they can be a problem if they have bad news for you.
Gruntie2 said:
WHen u have a scan.. is there a limit on the number of people that can go in with u....
I am asking as when i have my 21 weeks scan.. my parents will be visiting from the USA and thought it might be nice if my mum can come in and look as well as my hubby... don't want to say anything to her though and get her hopes up if i'm only allowed to take my hubby in with me...

there should only be you and your partner and any siblings really.
Remember that scans are for detecting abnormalities and checking all is well. Its best to take any other relitive on your 20 weeks scan if any.
you could always go for a 4 d scan and take as many as you like :lol:

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