Nuchal Scan


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2006
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I'm confused about whether to have a nuchal scan or not - it will be private and cost at least £150. My husband thinks it's a waste of time as I will be having the triple test at 16 weeks. Thing is I would not want a downs baby ( sounds awful I know and whether I could abort I do not know). Has anyone else chosen to do this? Is it also true that you can tell the sex of a baby from the nuchal scan - I'm not sure now whether the midwife told me this or I read it somewhere.
As far as I know they can't tell the sex until 20weeks ( I might be wrong) and I feel that the nuchal scans are a waste of money, my bfs cousin had one and it came back low risk and still she had a downs baby, though shes not botherd and has got on with it hes a lovely little boy :D
Sarah, I am booked in for one i less than two weeks. I have had mixed reactions from most people I have mentioned it too, most dont approve :? Due to my age (34 in a few weeks) and for own piece of mind we decided to go for it. It is expensive but hopefully will be worth it for piece of mind. We have been told its 96% accurate, as opposed to blood tests @ 15 weeks which are 60 odd% accurate.
Its defo a personal choice, do what you feel is right.
I dont know how I will react if the results are high risk, I will cross that bridge at the time.
Let me know what you decide to do, but wish you all the best
My advice is to be wary who you tell, honestly I have been surprised by the negative reactions I have had
No one can judge you on what is a personal choicexxxxx
Thanks Zoe - I wish you luck with the scan. I agree people will judge BUT at the end of the day it is you and only you that has to live with the end result. I think everyone should do what they feel is right for them. People have opinions on everything but I am thinking long term - I know downs children and I also know how worried their parents are to be leaving them to cope alone when they die. I would love any baby of mine but I think it would be a consideration and if there is a choice then perhaps it is worth considering. I personally applaud you for your decision.

Speaking to my mum today though perhaps helped my decision. I would use the scan to decide whether to have an amniocentisis. I had been thinking that if something awful happened and I did want to abort that at 11 weeks this would be preferable to 16 weeks which is when I would have the triple blood test which would also give an indication of risk. However, mu mum (she is a family planning nurse) thinks that the amniocentisis will not be carried out until 16 weeks anyway, and so having an earlier scan may just be very stressfull and I would have to wait over a month. Oh it's so hard!

Zoe I am a little younger - 30 -so risk is less but I was told that it goes up quickly and is always recommended at 35.

Some counties do this as standard anyway so not sure why we are worrying!

Tasha20 - that is a little scary. May I ask how old your bfs cousin was - very glad she is happy though.
Thanks Sarah
I wish you lots of luck and hope you can decide what to do with it causing too much stress!
I went to have my blood taken this wek at my GP surgery (as instructed by BUPA when they sent my confirmation of scan dates), my midwife was quite abrupt and wanted to know why I was going to my surgery to have my blood taken when I was paying BUPA for the scan...I was ever so embarrassed and left feeling stressed and upst by the whole thing.
I will be relived when its over now I think
The good thing is I will get to see "bean" again, and see how much he/she has grown!!
Let me know what you decide and good luck xxxxxxxxxxxx BIg hugs xxxxxxxxxx
sarahg said:
Tasha20 - that is a little scary. May I ask how old your bfs cousin was - very glad she is happy though.

She is was 29 when she had him it was only last yr x
I'm probably being thick but for this kind of scan does everyone have to pay for them or are you going private? :oops:
Hi wobbles,
Some counties charge for this - mine does - so in my case it would be private. Some do this as a standard screen though.

I have decided now not to go ahead as I will have the triple test which also covers downs risk. I can then decide whether to have an amniocentisis at this point.

Thanks though for everyones comments - they did help enormously.

Good luck Zoe - I would be keen to hear how it went for you. :wink:
Madness! Thanks chick & good luck of course :D

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