Hey ladies, I just had my nt scan a week ago at early scan dates of 12+6 but measuring at 13+6 so just barely made it in. A few findings are concerning me and I'm wondering if you ladies have experienced any of these?
Firstly, bub was being extremely uncooperative and wouldn't lie correctly so didn't actually get definite measurements of the nuchal fold but they used 2 measurements that they saw which were 1.8 and top range was 2.2. Even putting 2.2 into the system with my blood results it came back as a 1:1900 risk for ds which would be comforting if they hadn't mentioned that they were slightly concerned about a small/hypoplastic nasal bone. If there is no nasal bone present, my risk increses to 1:22 :/
They also noted on my paperwork that bub appears to have mild micrognathia, and a velamentous cord insert.
We have been reffered to a fetal medicine specialist for further scanning before we consider any further testing, and the next scan is Mon 31st. Just worrying myself as we have no family history of ds or any other chromosome disorders amd im only 25.
Anyone been through the same sorts or things and can shed any light or have any advice?
Firstly, bub was being extremely uncooperative and wouldn't lie correctly so didn't actually get definite measurements of the nuchal fold but they used 2 measurements that they saw which were 1.8 and top range was 2.2. Even putting 2.2 into the system with my blood results it came back as a 1:1900 risk for ds which would be comforting if they hadn't mentioned that they were slightly concerned about a small/hypoplastic nasal bone. If there is no nasal bone present, my risk increses to 1:22 :/
They also noted on my paperwork that bub appears to have mild micrognathia, and a velamentous cord insert.
We have been reffered to a fetal medicine specialist for further scanning before we consider any further testing, and the next scan is Mon 31st. Just worrying myself as we have no family history of ds or any other chromosome disorders amd im only 25.
Anyone been through the same sorts or things and can shed any light or have any advice?