Baby Bump?

eww yeah im having to actually buy colourful stuff as i cant find decent floaty and stretchy things in my usual black lol
over the last few days my stomach seems to have ballooned, my OH and mum both agree that i wasnt this big last week and i feel a lot bigger, not bloated just constantly big. this has prompted my mum to start talking about twins lol which i know is a possibility but has nothing to do with the size of your bump. just thinking surely its too early to suddenly expand like this.

Not impossible with us either....... lol
its gone down a bit the last day or so, deffo no more heartburn and not as much cramping so i think the bloating is over for now lol.
Hey I'm 8w2d. I would say naked, definitely look pregnant. My nipples a alot bigger and boobs dedinately bigger. I'm quite small chested so it's very obvious now!! Hubby is happy ;)

My belly below my belly button is very bloated now even when I wake up. Loving it all though as I never experienced any of this with my last (unsuccessful) pregnancy. I feel like things are moving along nicely. 12 week scan and I'll be purring like my cat ;)

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