November mums to be!


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2010
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I saw the other 2 and thought I would start this one! How are you all getting along? I haven't had 20 week scan date yet. Getting fatter but bump not really showing yet. How are your bumps??

There must be more of you than 1, where are you girls? :lol:
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and me im 19th too
got my 20 week scan date for 1st july and have added a photo of my growing bump
be good to get too know all you other nov mummies xx
Hello - I'm due 15 Nov, although the hospital keeps trying to bring it forward - been told anywhere between 11 - 15 Nov!

Bump is not very impressive :( I keep sticking my tummy out in the vain hope it will look bigger than it actually is!

My 20 week scan is on 6 July :)

How are you ladies feeling? I feel completely normal again now, I don't even feel remotely pregnant! Have you felt your baby move yet? I haven't, I think any flutters have been wind :D
hi rhino horn
im feeling nrmal apart from still having that horrible taste in my mouth, just glad the sickness has gone!!

just think when we have our next scan we will be half way!! cant wait are you finding out the sex?

you will have a bump in no time!! is this your first?? as i didnt show with my 1st till after my 20wk scan

im sure by then you will be feeling the movement then it will feel real, my other 2 use to keep me up at night xx
my scan is the 2nd June, not felt movement yet but have some familiar 'lurches' so i'm sure it wont be long now...wish i could say the same about now feeling pregnant...headaches are plaging me and my spd is back and my corset belt went on two days ago :) apart from that!!!!

Just moaning, you know how it is, wouldn't change it for the world though!
Im due in November... Will be in 2nd Trimester next week :D
im due on the 22nd november :) got my scan on 6th july but weve chosen not to find out the sex so its a surprise on the day bump makes an appearance,

i havent got a bump yet but im a 14ish so carry slightly more weight on my belly, just hope it arrives soon, jus a little one!! lol

Hi Ladies!

I am due anywhere between the 17th and the 23rd!! They cant seem to make their minds up... will see how second scan turns out. Its on the 7th July. I feel pretty normal now though! Having a few weird sicky spells but nothing like it was!:) xx
hi rhino horn
im feeling nrmal apart from still having that horrible taste in my mouth, just glad the sickness has gone!!

just think when we have our next scan we will be half way!! cant wait are you finding out the sex?

you will have a bump in no time!! is this your first?? as i didnt show with my 1st till after my 20wk scan

im sure by then you will be feeling the movement then it will feel real, my other 2 use to keep me up at night xx

hello :wave:

Yep this is my first, I look like I have eaten a few too many pies, but no real bum to get excited about!

I went to a banging drum and bass gig last night thinking that would prompt baby into action but alas, still didn't feel anything. Perhaps he/she was scared of what mummy had put it through. My ears are still ringing :lol:

We've decided not to find out the sex, OH wants to know, but I rule the roost and I said no, I want the surprise :dance:

I'm glad your sickness has gone, it's such a horrible stage isn't it. xx
Hi Ladies

Im due on November 3rd, and this will be my 3rd baby, i have 2 beautiful little boys already, my scan is booked for the 23rd June and i cannot wait - were going to find out but im feeling like its another boy!! mini football team in the making!!! x x x
hi rhino horn
im feeling nrmal apart from still having that horrible taste in my mouth, just glad the sickness has gone!!

just think when we have our next scan we will be half way!! cant wait are you finding out the sex?

you will have a bump in no time!! is this your first?? as i didnt show with my 1st till after my 20wk scan

im sure by then you will be feeling the movement then it will feel real, my other 2 use to keep me up at night xx

hello :wave:

Yep this is my first, I look like I have eaten a few too many pies, but no real bum to get excited about!

I went to a banging drum and bass gig last night thinking that would prompt baby into action but alas, still didn't feel anything. Perhaps he/she was scared of what mummy had put it through. My ears are still ringing :lol:

We've decided not to find out the sex, OH wants to know, but I rule the roost and I said no, I want the surprise :dance:

I'm glad your sickness has gone, it's such a horrible stage isn't it. xx

team yellow here too OH really wants to no and like you im the boss and i said no lol
Hi ladies I'm due on 14th November with my first (reminds me - need to change that pregnology tracker as they put my dates back at the first scan).

I'm also in team yellow. I want my husband to announce to me what the sex is as the baby is born.

Bump just looks like I've eaten all the pies, my arse however is making up for lack of tummy! I have definitely felt my baby move. First time was last week at the dentist as I was having an injection and have been feeling flutters ever since.

So far, haven't really enjoyed being pregnant. I wasn't prepared for how sick and tired I'd be and mentally I've found it really draining as it's affected my performance at work but I'm looking forward to getting to the 'glowing' stage and chilling out a bit.

Hello to all you November Mums!

hi all im due 25th november got my 20 wk scan 14th july although ill be 21 weeks then cant wait hope ur all ok xxx
Hi ladies - I'm due on 27th Nov and I look pregnant now...although that might be because it's my second -well 3rd pregnancy but one was a m/c :(

I'm joining you all in Tri 2 tmorrow but came in for a sneaky peak a day early!!
k xxxx
Hi ladies - I'm due on 27th Nov and I look pregnant now...although that might be because it's my second -well 3rd pregnancy but one was a m/c :(

I'm joining you all in Tri 2 tmorrow but came in for a sneaky peak a day early!!
k xxxx

:dance: good too see you over here!! just stay now!!:lol:

yeah you do show loads sooner after the 1st! you staying team yellow? do you have a boy or girl already? x
Hi ladies - I'm due on 27th Nov and I look pregnant now...although that might be because it's my second -well 3rd pregnancy but one was a m/c :(

I'm joining you all in Tri 2 tmorrow but came in for a sneaky peak a day early!!
k xxxx

:dance: good too see you over here!! just stay now!!:lol:

yeah you do show loads sooner after the 1st! you staying team yellow? do you have a boy or girl already? x

Hey hon,

I want to stay team yellow but hubby wants to know so not sure yet. I've got a little boy already but am pretty chilled about what we have. How u doing? U planning on finding out? xxx
same as you oh wants to know big time but i have but my foot down and said lets not find out just coz we have one of each so it doesnt matter, be nice to have a surprise and something to look forward too at the end of labour!! im gussing boy tho

sickness has gone now but still got that horrible taste in my mouth!! how about you how are you feeling? bet your over the moon to be 14weeks!!! have you had you 20week scan date? just think we will be hlaf way then x
Sickness has lifted this week fingers crossed - lost 1 stone and 4 lb so glad it's gone!!! My 20 week scan is on 16th July. I also have a 36 week one on 2 Nov as I had a prev c-section and consultant wants to do a final check before letting me try for a VBAC. Have you got ur dates yet? xxx

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