*November 2017 thread!* Think I could be in here! Eek!

Oh god, that must have been so scary for you. Yeah it sounds like ages but it didn't feel too bad. I didn't experience the excruciating pain that pretty much every woman talks about. The liver condition I had made me itch like crazy, I hadn't slept for a week prior to having him. They gave me an epidural 10 hours before I had him, had an 8 hour sleep then I had to start pushing. I found it more painful the positions they were getting me into haha xx
Starchild! He is a good egg, when he wants to be ha ha. I think I mustve put the wind up him tbh bless him!
lol right now I am looking forward to labour etc, remind me I said that in 9months time will you?? lol
My app popped up with that yesterday <3 so cute!!
Lulu90 4 DAYS!!!! oh wow you soldier!! thats immense!!

Welcome lulu.
My little boy is 19months old too :)

Im feeling very emosh today!xxx
It has to be said I am not looking forward to labour, as I had a nightmare of a time with Lexi. Although I know my experience is not a standard one!

Had severe Spd and pre-eclampsia. Went for induction 2 days before due date, started with the pessary which completely failed (even after 36 hours, nothing had changed) waited another 12 hours Dr reckoned he could break my waters so went for that, it did nothing!! So went on the drip, the pain of that and the Spd was excruciating! Esp as they couldn't track Lexi abdominally so kept trying to put a clip one her, but I could'nt open my legs fully, and the doc got very forceful and hurt my hips further. They then decided that I needed an emergency c-section. My memory is pretty hazy, but I have a clear recollection of a doctor looming over me (felt like she was standing on my bed leaning over me) saying "blah, blah, blah, death, blah,blah blood, blah blah death. Sign here" I then haemorrhaged during the section and lost nearly 2l of blood. And had a massive infection in my c-section wound, which meant I had to visit the nurse to have it dressed daily for nearly a month.

So yeah, hoping for a very different birth story this time round....

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Ohh god that sounds horrific! Fx thie time is better for you.

I couldnt have wiwhed for better. Water birth in MAU, gas and air. 12hrs from waters starting leaking to him being born.
In active labour for 4hrs 47mins. Pushing for 47mins.

I had a awfull pregnancy. So not looking forward to that.
But cant wait for labour again :)
Welcome lulu.
My little boy is 19months old too :)

Im feeling very emosh today!xxx

Thank you lovely! Oh yay so we'll have the same age gap! I still don't quite believe I'm pregnant haha xx
Wow you ladies are amazing. I had amazing births but it wasnt a good thing.
My labour for my first was under an hour (20 minutes in hospital) They checked my cervix and i was 0cm and cervix still at the back, went home, went streight back, and she was about an inch from crowning. I dont know how long exactly it took but from leaving hospital to giving birth was an hour so id say 10 minutes under. She went into distress because it was so fast and pooed in the waters. I was a bit in shock.

My second i went streight to hospital first contraction, was 5cm, bounced for 4 hours on a ball, they popped my waters and i pushed her out.

My second had wet lung though because i give birth so quickly i didnt sueeze her lungs enough. So she ended up in neo natal on all the machines for a few days and it was horrible.
Id rather have a slow labour than put a child at risk so im kind of worried already about the labour, like really badly scared im going to do it again.
Wow you ladies are amazing. I had amazing births but it wasnt a good thing.
My labour for my first was under an hour (20 minutes in hospital) They checked my cervix and i was 0cm and cervix still at the back, went home, went streight back, and she was about an inch from crowning. I dont know how long exactly it took but from leaving hospital to giving birth was an hour so id say 10 minutes under. She went into distress because it was so fast and pooed in the waters. I was a bit in shock.

My second i went streight to hospital first contraction, was 5cm, bounced for 4 hours on a ball, they popped my waters and i pushed her out.

My second had wet lung though because i give birth so quickly i didnt sueeze her lungs enough. So she ended up in neo natal on all the machines for a few days and it was horrible.
Id rather have a slow labour than put a child at risk so im kind of worried already about the labour, like really badly scared im going to do it again.

Oh sweetie that sounds so scary. My mum went into labour with my brother 6 weeks early. They tried to turn her away saying it was impossible, so she gave birth at the reception, my dad had to catch him. He also pooed inside her and the blood vessels in his eyes burst so they were red and swollen for ages. He was 8lb6oz as well, makes me cringe just thinking about it xx
Wow you ladies are amazing. I had amazing births but it wasnt a good thing.
My labour for my first was under an hour (20 minutes in hospital) They checked my cervix and i was 0cm and cervix still at the back, went home, went streight back, and she was about an inch from crowning. I dont know how long exactly it took but from leaving hospital to giving birth was an hour so id say 10 minutes under. She went into distress because it was so fast and pooed in the waters. I was a bit in shock.

My second i went streight to hospital first contraction, was 5cm, bounced for 4 hours on a ball, they popped my waters and i pushed her out.

My second had wet lung though because i give birth so quickly i didnt sueeze her lungs enough. So she ended up in neo natal on all the machines for a few days and it was horrible.
Id rather have a slow labour than put a child at risk so im kind of worried already about the labour, like really badly scared im going to do it again.

Oh sweetie that sounds so scary. My mum went into labour with my brother 6 weeks early. They tried to turn her away saying it was impossible, so she gave birth at the reception, my dad had to catch him. He also pooed inside her and the blood vessels in his eyes burst so they were red and swollen for ages. He was 8lb6oz as well, makes me cringe just thinking about it xx

It wasnt good, they should listen to mums when they tell them something is happening. It was my first so you just listen to the Dr's.
people say quick labours are good but honestly its scary, i would like my seconds labour of 4-5 hours which was perfect, but a slower pushing bit. I am going to talk to the midwife closer to the time about what i can do.

Anyway thats a long way from now.

So far most of my symptoms have gone, i just feel bloated xx
My symptoms disappeared for a few days and they came back with a vengeance. I'm sure everything is fine. I honestly didn't feel pregnant at all with my son until I started to feel him move. I didn't get symptoms like anyone else. My boobs were fine, felt sick for a short amount of time but never actually got sick xx
Yeah im not too worried im not missing the sick feeling. i feel so fat though, im already fat (a size 18) and with the bloating i feel just frumpy. Sounds supid i know but im having a down day. xx
Dont be so hard on yourself sweetie. I know easier said than done. I'm just cooking some pasta for my son, who thought pasta had such an awful smell. I just feel so bloody nauseous today, really does make you feel rubbish. I've got lower back ache and I just keep thinking I'm going to go to the toilet and see a load of blood. Trying to not think about it xx
Dont be so hard on yourself sweetie. I know easier said than done. I'm just cooking some pasta for my son, who thought pasta had such an awful smell. I just feel so bloody nauseous today, really does make you feel rubbish. I've got lower back ache and I just keep thinking I'm going to go to the toilet and see a load of blood. Trying to not think about it xx

That is exactly how I am feeling, plus some heartburn thrown in for good measure lol!
I feel almost like I am on my period, it's so odd!! xxx
I was more scared the first time than this time, I mean now I know it hurts.. but at least now I know what to expect lol

I took another test and the test line came up right away and was so dark so feeling relieved! :) still no symptoms aside from I have a headache. But I've given up coffee and stopped eating junk so that could be the cause of the headaches.

When is everyone telling people? (such as close family/parents) xxx

My Mum & OH's mum know - as we just couldn't keep it in! I am ridiculously close to my mum and wanted her to know in case I needed her for anything. Which I always do ha ha! As for everyone else, once we feel safe I think, after 12 weeks! xxx
TTC babyflo - it really does. Although it isn't a constant ache like it usually would be with AF.

Starchild - that's brilliant. Haven't got a clue how we're going to tell everyone haha xx
TTC babyflo - it really does. Although it isn't a constant ache like it usually would be with AF.

Starchild - that's brilliant. Haven't got a clue how we're going to tell everyone haha xx

Yes i know what you mean, almost comes and goes! I'm starting to get used to this constant nausea/heartburn - i dont think i'll know what to do once it goes!! lol xxx
TTC babyflo - it really does. Although it isn't a constant ache like it usually would be with AF.

Starchild - that's brilliant. Haven't got a clue how we're going to tell everyone haha xx

Yes i know what you mean, almost comes and goes! I'm starting to get used to this constant nausea/heartburn - i dont think i'll know what to do once it goes!! lol xxx

Heartburn is vile. It's the only thing that made me sick with my son. Never felt anything like it. I remember clinging to my mum in the middle of the cereal aisle in Tesco trying to not vomit from it. The joys haha. He was born with tons of thick black hair. Looked like a wig. The doctors and midwives couldn't believe it xx
Ha ha oh god I could so picture that being me!!!!
Well, I am half Italian and extremely hairy and my OH is belgian descent and he is so dark!! Soooooo looks like im in for a world of heartburn for the next few months haha!
Love babies with loads of hair <3 makes me giggle! xxxx
Awww definitely going to have a hairy baby. Luca had a hairy forehead, hairy ears and a hairy back, he was honestly like a monkey. He has a big mix in him though. Irish, Italian, Serbian, Croatian and English xx

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