note to self, crying infront of midwife is not good.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2011
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28 week appointment,
1st it wasnt my normal midwife so didnt feel i could talk to her, quite harsh with me.
then she asked how was i doing blah blah feeling etc. me and hubby havnt been getting on recnetly.
and it all came out 20mins crying my eyes out. so booked in for next week to see hopefully my midwife to talk to her.

there is a LOT going on in my life and just wanted to talk to my midwife, didnt even get chance to talk to her about my fat feet and ankels.

i just want to go home to bed. but got gtt test tomorrow so gotta stop eating about 7pm. gutted. no 9pm munchies for me :(
Aaawww hunny :hug:. Pregnancy makes any stressful time even worse, hopefully they can refer you to a trained pregnancy counsellor to help you deal with everything going on. I burst into tears in front of my midwife at my 28 week appointment so maybe it's a very hormonal point as well. What you have to remember is just as the good times don't last forever neither do the bad times xxxxxxxxx
thank you.
the issue is my husband and i wish he would just change, but not gonna happen.
im all wounde up now cause hes told his mum and his mum rang me saying i can talk to her, now im the stupid 'dpressed' one who cant handle it. its NOT the pregnancy, dosnt help but its hubbys issues and i cant talk to her about it.
bad enough 2 of us pregnant on his side, feel pushed out, shes ok shes healthy blah blah. just fed up.
I live with my in laws so any problems with OH and I feel very alone here sometimes. It's kind of her to offer and maybe she's not blind to his problems but what can you say? At the end of the day he's her son. Ask to be referred for counselling, then there's someone there just for you, someone who you can talk to without judgement and without the time limits that midwives have. You can always sound off on here too :hug: xxxxxxxxxx
oh my god if his family knew the 'issue' i dunno what his family would do.
im being compaired to sis in law whos 3 weeks behind me with her 5th child.
even mil mentioned the other sis in law was depressed when pregnant.... she told me that y? got nothing to do with me.
me and mil are quite close, but i cant talk to her about y im upset etc cause its her son.
Well hopefully your mw will get you some help hunny. Good luck with the gtt too, that in itself is stressful enough xxxxxxxxx
cant belive ive got to starve my self, no food, no cuppa in the morning, by the time i would have got out the docs i will be sooo ill with hunger
What time's the appointment? Our clinic has a commuter service so bloods are open at 7am which is very handy. My father in law is diabetic and it means he can do his fasting bloods nice and early
I cried in front of my me at 36 weeks hun sometimes you just can't help it hugs xxx

oh bless you, hope its made you feel better :) and as for the startving urself i had gtt at 28 weeks my appt was at 8:45 am and i could eat and drink til 10 pm the night before so i would have some munchies at 9 if ur appt not mega earlier than mine was :) xxx

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