:( not well


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2007
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woke up this morning, got up and washed my face and stuff then went really hot and dizzy :x

went downstairs, tried having some toast - I could only manage 2 bites and felt really sick so tried something else but couldnt manage it

I really just want to cry, I feel so crap and my fiance is at work so im at his on my own

i was planning to go back over mine but Im not gonna manage to get over incase something happens :?
sorry you're not feeling well.
I think you should drag the duvet to the sofa and watch a good chick flick.
Poor you! I think its inevitable that we all have days where we feel really dodgy at this stage of pregnancy. Maybe its your bodys way of telling you to slow down! Chilling out on the sofa with a movie is probably just what you need! I think we are due same day Sep the 15th so I have every sympathy with how tired you must be feeling!
Take care
Jac x
Put your feet up and get snuggly with the duvet. It's just your body telling you to slow down and take it easy, it's been working so hard lately!

Hope you feel better :hug:
yeah im just lying in bed at the mo, got no chick flicks at my fiances which is abit annoying now! lol :lol:

To top things off, ive got terrible heartburn too and no tablets with me!
It should help settle down the acid, helps me when I don't have gaviscon at hand. Drink some milk and try not to lay too flat :hug:
Hope you feel better soon :hug: have a nice relaxing rest day and even a warm bath think thats what i am going to do too as i am feeling kinda strange today!

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