Not walking at 16 months


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2013
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Am really starting to stress about my 16 month old.

She started bottom shuffling at 10 months and she's fast! She's never liked being stood up on her feet but we kept trying and a couple of months ago she began standing up on coffee table, sofa etc. she will pull herself to knees but rarely up to standing, we place her on her feet. She also pushes up onto feet whilst hopping around on bum and stands alone, legs apart for a few seconds till she lands on her bum again. I did get hopeful at this point....
Then last week she started crawling?! Seems back to front?!

Anyway, have just been out with sister and she said she thinks there's a problem and I should've got a walker for her when younger. She has a push along one but we decided against the ones they sit in as read some articles about hip dAmage. She also thinks I should go to doctors. I have looked on Internet many times over past few months but people say not to worry til 18 months plus but what if it is hyper mobility. I feel really worried and anxious :(
My friend's lo bum shuffled to begin with too. She was almost 3 before she could be bothered to walk. She is now a perfectly healthy, no problems at all 6 year old. I think it would be easier to worry if you could see signs of potential mobility problems (ie not being able to get from a to be at all / not being able to climb up, etc) - at least I think that's what she was told when she asked her gp. I think when they start off bum shuffling they have almost no need to walk as they're already upright iykwim so they can pretty much see the world around them - not like when they crawl first and can only see stuff that's at floor level. Hope I'm making sense. I wouldn't worry in your shoes but only because I have seen my friend go through it with hers and come out the other side perfectly fine - albeit a bit later than everyone else! xxx
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My niece is about the same age age (maybe 15.5 months) and she isn't yet walking....

If you are a really concerned see your HV but honestly they really do develop at their own rate.

James didn't sit until he was 10 months !!!

See if your health visitor might pop out to see you and check little one.
If there is a problem they can then refer to paediatrician but to be honest I wouldn't worry- your doing everything you can its just that your little lady has found her own way of getting around fast!
All children develop differently, yours is just more creative! :) xxxx
Bum shufflers tend to walk a bit later than crawlers as they can see everything already! Maybe see how she is after mastering crawling for a bit as seeing the world in a different perspective might encourage her to stand and walk.
I understand how you feel as B was a later talker and I worried myself sick but now he's gibbering away and I can't get any peace lol x
I wouldn't worry too much - I know from my baby/toddler group that plenty of babies can be late developers when it comes to walking and she is obviously showing other signs of being mobile.

Just in case you hadn't read it, in Canada baby walkers are actually banned, you can receive a serious fine even for buying or selling a secondhand one - that's how dangerous and detrimental to babies they are considered there. I know plenty of people like my parents and that age group which will say 'you all had one and haven't turned out bad' but I think that's the worst sort of argument! If you want to try one of the walkers where they just stand and push then that might be an idea but don't get pushed into trying something you decided against! X
P.S a friend has a baby 5 weeks younger than my 7 month old and he is already saying dada and the name of their dog and hiya and crawling and my little girl is doing none of these things. But I think he is just advanced rather than her being slow x
Hi my LO didn't walk until he was 22 months! He wouldn't even weight bear until he was 18 months and now he's running, jumping and hopping at 3. I honestly wouldn't worry, if she can get around she probably doesn't see the point in walking yet! X
My daughter is 16 months and doesn't walk but she has additional needs so it's a different story but what I would say is both her paediatrician and her physiotherapist have emphasised time and time again not to use any walkers, either that you sit in or that they push. The reasons are the in sit in ones they tend to use their legs to push along both legs together instead of an alternating walking movement so they don't develop the skills properly, and with push along ones they push the weight into their arms instead of building strength in their legs. They both said they'd prefer no one used them but it's particularly important for my daughter as she has damage to the movement areas of her brain and may have cerebral palsy.
I wouldn't worry too much - I know from my baby/toddler group that plenty of babies can be late developers when it comes to walking and she is obviously showing other signs of being mobile.

Just in case you hadn't read it, in Canada baby walkers are actually banned, you can receive a serious fine even for buying or selling a secondhand one - that's how dangerous and detrimental to babies they are considered there. I know plenty of people like my parents and that age group which will say 'you all had one and haven't turned out bad' but I think that's the worst sort of argument! If you want to try one of the walkers where they just stand and push then that might be an idea but don't get pushed into trying something you decided against! X

Interesting! I'll be sure to show my sister!
Thanks everyone, I feel a bit better now xx
My daughter didn't walk until 19 months, my son was slightly earlier at 17.5 months. Bear in mind they can go from showing no interest at all to walking independently (my daughter never cruised around the furniture, just stood up one day in the middle of the lounge!!!). Both my kids had access to a walker, but didn't use it much and irrespective of any possible harm from them, I personally believe kids will walk when they're good and ready and no amount of encouragement will speed the process up!
My daughter first crawled at 16 months and finally walked at 18/19 months. I thought I was going to have to carry this kid to primary school.... Seriously don't worry, they all get there in the end. Your sister is being ridiculous.
18 months here. started cruising at 13 months. Honestly dont worry yet x

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