Not Sure What To Do?


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
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Hey girls,
I'm leaving the armed forces and want to start up a business and there is a 2 day course they run about business start up which I think I really should do, however, the only one that works for me is at the end of this month.
Its a 2 day course (will be coming home in the evenings) and DH will have just home from deployment (so he'll be in at the deep end!), I have expressed milk in the freezer but my major worry is that if G has his day feeds from a bottle for 2 days he wont want to go back to boob all the time afterwards. I'm thinking of getting DH to bring G across for the lunchtimes so I can feed him in the middle of the day and i'll be expressing in the 2 tea breaks but after struggling to get started with bf i'm now really worried about stopping before I want to.
Does anyone have any experience of leaving baby for a couple of days with bottles and being able to re-establish bf?
Should I wait and try to do this later?
Do you reckon it will effect our feeding?
Sorry rambling thread with lots of questions, as you can guess i'm in a muddle :eh:
hmmm thats tough. I doubt it would confuse him but if you have the option to bring G to you during the day I'd do that. Im hoping to work from home so i can nip to the childminders if necessary instead of expressing breaks. What sort of business you thinking of setting up?

good luck!
Emma xx
A fitness for mums thing - nothing near where I live where as a mum you can go and do exercise if you need to bring baby along.
Yeah I think i am going to insist that DH brings G across for lunchtime and hope that he's ok - its only 2 days and he does love booby but I'll be gutted if it messes up bfing.
Hi, can't offer any advice just a bit of reassurance that I'm sure your LO will just be pleased to be able to feed from his mum, after bf for so long I don't think he will reject you for the bottle, he'll be happy that you're back xxxxx
I can tell you how I get on at the end of next week if that helps Frankie?

I am going to Take That in Cardiff on Wed am with the girls (not in my car so can't come back!) and leaving Devon with Daddy. I will be camping overnight and then we are looking round shops in morning, then coming back for afternoon!!!!

Devon is BF and TW at mo, he has a beaker of water to sip with meals and likes it , (he is right off food at moment due to teathing we think, was banking on that to fill him up!). He has had EBM in the beaker as practice, but only managed 1-2 ounce most. I did ask OH if he wanted to me cancel, but he is just going to wing it and hope that after a few hours of screeming he will realise my boobs are not arriving and go with it. (I have 13 bags of 5 oz ish milk in the freezer, hope thats enougth, including wastage)

I am hoping BF is not an issue on thurs eve/friday, and hope we just feed all day long - reunited with his boobs - and plan to never leave him again till off BF!! ( Ive been so stressed about it)

Another thing to think about for you is your clothes and leekage etc when on your course.
I'm going to wear my vests as normal under white tops incase of leekage and taking my hand pump to see if I can take some off when there!! Gary , mark and Robbie you had better give me the show of my life........

Great business idea Frankie, I need to do a course like that for my card making, as I'm soo not clued up on it!
Will let you know.......
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I left Eva with my mum when I went in hospital for my cochlear implant last month. I left enough EBM for about 3 days lol! I last fed her at about 7am and then didnt feed her again till about 5pm the next day. I expressed while in hospital (had to throw it all away cos of the anaesthetic and medications I was on :( )

Eva went straight to the boob without any problems when I went to mums house. I think that at 4/5 mths old she was old enough to remember how to feed from me after a bottle for a couple of days. She actually seemed quite happy to see me and nurse from me too. Its a lovely gooey feeling! :D
Thanks girls for replying. JJMum that would be great if you let me know hoe Devon gets on, enjoy take that it's supposed to be an amazing show. My DH is the same as yours, says he'll wing it, good luck to them :)

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