Not sure but...


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2007
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Think i have a line!! I swore i saw one on monday but it was so pale and then disappeared, iwas only 7dpo then. Now i'm 9dpo, don't have any real pg symptoms like sore bbs or sickness but i do have a stitch and grumbly tummy. Thought i'd do an ebay cheapie (detects 10miu) and there was a very faint line...i mean squint and you'd miss it. Then i did another just now and the line is still there...VERY faint. :|
I just can' bring myself to think this could be a bfp as its soooooo early and i had line before then a massive period (a chem preg).
I can't post a photo as my camera won't let me zoom in close enough for the line to be visible. Due AF on Monday.... what think you all????? :hug:
PS: First test i did was FMU then just did second at about 5pm??? :?
I think that I'll wish you all the luck in the world (except the bit I need for me :D ) and wait to hear what you get tomorrow :D :hug: sounds good though :D
oooh i got a fient with an ebay cheapie and now look :lol:

Good luck :hug:
i hope its a BFP for u!

i know if this was me id test everyday till AF was due :oops: but if your stronger than me maybe wait untill sun and see what appears then??

Good Luck :hug:
I use the same tests through my TWW and could see VERY faint lines too! It wasn't until 2 days after AF was due that I got my positives, they weren't too strong either! Come on Anna and Libs and anyone else close to testing, there's always room in first tri!
Gonna test first thing tomorrow again with 10miu cheapie. Will post tom evening. Just worried now as 10miu is so i setting myself up for a fall?? :oops:
Doubles every day is that right?? I have 25miu cheapies too, but don't wanna use them yet as i'll be disappointed if they're neg!!! :think:
AAAggghhhhh :pray:
Just tested again with FMU, got very faint line with first response, very faint with internet cheapies and bit more noticable on tesco own!!!!
I'm still only 10dpo and i'm so scared to say its a bfp as had a faint line before af before, then she reared her ugly head so it didn't stick!!!
Do i wait for AF on Mon before i class it as positive????????????????????
:pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:
:pray: :pray: :pray:

hope it's a BFP for you this month.... good luck :hug:
Thanks chrissy, hope u get yours too...its so hard isn't it. I just don't want to get excited as i had a faint line before...have to say the tesco one is a bit darker tho! just don't want to come on on Monday and feel like crap!
When are u testing??? How was that IB?? :hug:

Another blow is...its my hen weekend this weekend, going to manchetser so going to have to pretend i'm ill, or get one person in on i have no intention of drinking!!!!
Good luck Anna! I hope it's your BFP. It's a shame you can't drink on your hen weekend. I think that would be the one time I'd want AF to be there :D If you are pg it will more than make up for it
Good Luck AnnaR2B :pray: :pray: :pray: It's looking promising !!!

Keep us up to date. I think i read somewhere that the hormone levels that give the BFP near enough double on a daily basis so if you keep testing over the next few days you might get stronger lines

:pray: :pray: :pray: - OOOOOOHHHH How exciting!!!

Bex :D
Oh gosh!!! :pray:
I hope its your month, it certainly sounds good!! everything crossed for you hun!
Sounds really promising hun :pray: But I hold off on the congrats till Monday shall I?
a line is a line :)

i had the same 4 tests with very faint lines. but look at me now :cheer:

think you are PG hun :shhh:
I'll post a new topic but......
i got a BFP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dance:
Clearblue digital at 10dpo within about a minute...pregnant. then did another tesco test and the line is even darker than this morning!!!!
congrats hun!!that is brillant!!! :) :) :) u must b so happy!!! :cheer: :cheer:

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