Not Sleeping. Urgh.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2005
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Phoebe is going to bed at about 6pm as she always has but is waking any time between 10pm and 2am and then just will not go back to sleep.

The last 2 nights she has ended up in bed with us because we can't sit up all night rubbing her bum and I don't want to get her up.

It's starting to create a bit of tention between me and OH as he disagrees with bringing her into our bed but it's the only way I'll get any sleep.

Any ideas?

I'm shattered :?
my 2 hardly ever sleep so im no help at all sorry hun lol
Not really, Damien is doing the same. I just give him juice and he is slowly bringing the time he wakes up further and further away and nearer too when he should wake up. He comes into bed with me till he is settled then I put him back in his cot, and if that doesn't work I just ignore him and got back to sleep. He's still next to my bed though as you knwo so I don't have to get up.
Does patting her bum instead of rubbing ti work? To calm Damien I pat his bum, quite hard (not that hard though) sometimes, works a treat, aswell as singing your bleedin' banana song! :lol:
I thought about offering her water or juice.

If I am still awake I do take her back to her cot once she is asleep.
Although last night she never really settled. Even in bed with us she just dosed on and off from 2am - 7am :bored:

Phoebe has never liked having her bum patted. Needs to be rubbed!!!

And My Banana song would just wake her up!!!

I'm tired :sleep:
LOL I'll come over this week and we can be tired together.
Try the juice/water thing and see if it helps.
I think I am free then too... I'll see what time I manage to drag my arse out of bed and get the car off Mark :lol:

Hope she settles for you soon, know how hard it is not getting any sleep few times ive brought Kiara into bed again and its hard cuz weve broken that habit but with an hour sleep who wouldnt.

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