Not peeing much and no sickness...


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2019
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I'm 6wks 4days and am currently only suffering from sore boobs, tiredness and the odd mood swing

Is anyone else the same?

I'm worrying as I'm not feeling sick or going to the loo more often..

I'm dying to have an early scan to check all's ok but my bf thinks I'm worrying too much.

Any advice/experience would be greatly appreciated to stop myself from going insane..
I’m 7+1 - and have the same symptoms as you. I’m tired af and sore boobs and that’s it. Feeling surprisingly normal and no sickness or increased urges to pee at all. I had a scan at 6+1 and saw a heartbeat and everything going well.

I’m certainly not alone on this forum, with plenty of other pregnant ladies here having a pretty cruisy early pregnancy.

Sickness can still appear for you in the next few weeks, otherwise hopefully you are one if the lucky ones to have a healthy pregnancy without sickness!
So glad I am not the only one I've been in such a panic and my anxiety is getting the better of me.

Defo think I'm going to book an early scan just for reassurance.

I’m 7+1 - and have the same symptoms as you. I’m tired af and sore boobs and that’s it. Feeling surprisingly normal and no sickness or increased urges to pee at all. I had a scan at 6+1 and saw a heartbeat and everything going well.

I’m certainly not alone on this forum, with plenty of other pregnant ladies here having a pretty cruisy early pregnancy.

Sickness can still appear for you in the next few weeks, otherwise hopefully you are one if the lucky ones to have a healthy pregnancy without sickness!
I think everyone's symptoms are different, some people don't even get any symptoms. I had the nausea and tiredness, but I didn't really get sore boobs or need more frequent trips to the loo at all... don't worry so much, symptoms don't really mean much as everyone's body handles the hormones differently.
For some people the sickness doesn’t kick in until 7-9 weeks. You might still get it yet lol. Not everyone gets sick though! Just consider yourself lucky :)
At 6+4 I was tired and that was it. I was very lucky and had barely any symptoms throughout my entire pregnancy. If we weren't actively trying, I probably could have got close to 20 weeks before thinking I might have been pregnant based on how I felt in myself. I was still sleeping through the night up until around 38 weeks and even then it was more restlessness rather than a need to pee. Everyone is so different.
I am also 6 weeks 4 days and hardly got any symptoms!!! If anything these past few days they have lessened. I have sore boobs sometimes and getting really tired at night but I'm not really sleeping so I Duno if that's why I'm tired. I'm also quite emotional, more than usual. I had bleeding a few days ago so had an early scan today and they got a heartbeat so right now everything is fine so I wouldn't worry about it!! If you're like me though you will be wanting morning sickness just to feel pregnant lol. I'm sure once we get it though we will wish we never had it. Good luck and try not to stress, I've also vowed to stay off Google now cause the anxiety and stress it puts me under is not good!! Just trust your instincts and if you feel that something is wrong phone the early preg unit or your doctor. Good luck!!
Same! I'm 5+2 and only have sore boobs and a bit tired.

Last time I remember the nausea didn't kick in until at least 7 weeks, so it'll probably come eventually!
I am also 6 weeks 4 days and hardly got any symptoms!!! If anything these past few days they have lessened. I have sore boobs sometimes and getting really tired at night but I'm not really sleeping so I Duno if that's why I'm tired. I'm also quite emotional, more than usual. I had bleeding a few days ago so had an early scan today and they got a heartbeat so right now everything is fine so I wouldn't worry about it!! If you're like me though you will be wanting morning sickness just to feel pregnant lol. I'm sure once we get it though we will wish we never had it. Good luck and try not to stress, I've also vowed to stay off Google now cause the anxiety and stress it puts me under is not good!! Just trust your instincts and if you feel that something is wrong phone the early preg unit or your doctor. Good luck!!

Google is definitely my enemy right now!!
I am booked in for an early scan a week tomorrow after my first midwife appt so hoping that goes well.

If I can get through this with no sickness then I'll feel blessed after hearing all the horror stories from friends lol
Google is definitely my enemy right now!!
I am booked in for an early scan a week tomorrow after my first midwife appt so hoping that goes well.

If I can get through this with no sickness then I'll feel blessed after hearing all the horror stories from friends lol

My mum keeps saying how much easier it was back then to be pregnant cause you never had the internet to constantly check things haha. It's the worst!! I have my flo app to track what's happening inside of me and this forum to talk to other people and that's it, everything else is off limits!! Good luck for your scan nothing prepares you for it. My belly was shaking so bad cause I was crying so much that I had to force myself to keep still so they could show me everything was okay haha. I feel the same about the sickness, I have felt quite light headed today though so duno if it's coming soon!!
My mum keeps saying how much easier it was back then to be pregnant cause you never had the internet to constantly check things haha. It's the worst!! I have my flo app to track what's happening inside of me and this forum to talk to other people and that's it, everything else is off limits!! Good luck for your scan nothing prepares you for it. My belly was shaking so bad cause I was crying so much that I had to force myself to keep still so they could show me everything was okay haha. I feel the same about the sickness, I have felt quite light headed today though so duno if it's coming soon!!
Haha bless you.
I'm sure I'll be an emotional mess the day of the scan. I'm counting down the sleeps till the day, so excited just need to kick the anxiety but I'm sure that will subside when I know all's ok
Haha bless you.
I'm sure I'll be an emotional mess the day of the scan. I'm counting down the sleeps till the day, so excited just need to kick the anxiety but I'm sure that will subside when I know all's ok

The waiting is horrible isnt it. Good luck let us know how it goes ❤❤ xx
Yes yes and yes! But I'm not even tired, I've only had a couple days of tiredness, the last few days I feel great. No morning sickness, I haven't had to pee more than usual. Just none of the usual symptoms. Things may change though ;)
I had hardly any symptoms until I was 7 weeks pregnant and by the time I was 9 weeks I was suffering from bad morning sickness (I’m 14 weeks now and it hasn’t gone away).
I was as worried as you but give it time. Xx

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