not many symptoms???


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2011
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good morning everyone! i was just wondering if any of you were around 15 weeks and don't have many symptoms? ive got heartburn which seems to be dying down a bit depending on what i eat, my boobs arnt that sore and i don't have any nausea xxx
my mae is 21 wks with 2nd and the most she has ever had with both pregnancies is a tad of heartburn nothing else at all.

try not to compare urself to any other pregnancy or how u should be feeling, only thing to ever be concerned about is heavy bleeding, clots and pain
okay thank you roxane, i know i shouldn't my pattern shifts a lot and gets me worrying. it all seems too good to be true right now x
Hi Saze,

I'm 15 weeks + 1 day today & I have no significant symptoms at all; apart from tiredness! I wouldn't worry! Is this your first? Have you felt baby move?

saze, once the placenta is fully functioning, most women tend to find their symptoms reduce. Something to do with hormones. or so one of my books says.

I was lucky and touch wood have had no real symptoms at all, other than slightly achy boobs and a touch of heartburn, but even that died down when I was about 14 weeks.
okay thank you roxane, i know i shouldn't my pattern shifts a lot and gets me worrying. it all seems too good to be true right now x

if its any consolation i get more anxious with this pregnancy than my first you just have to relax as stress can make things worse.

just remember if you ever have doubts just call your local midwives or hspital, they will always put ur mind at ease
I hadly have any symptoms anymore. My boobs are big (went from A to D size) and a little tiny bit sensitive, and I get a tiny bit of heartburn now (used to have it really bad in Tri-1). I also feel a bit sleepy now and again, but as I am currently preparing for my last uni assignments, that is understandable anyway.

I'd say just enjoy it while you can :)
thankyou everyone for your replies :). hya YazminaBambino yes this is my first hehe, is this yours? i think i have a couple of times it feel like little muscle spasms lol, have you felt your baby move chick? xxx
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I agree with the other girls symptoms do tail off once you're in tri 2 which is why it's known as the "honeymoon period" of pregnancy. Your body has become used to all the hormones flying around and you may also feel a bit less tired. I find the only symptoms I get now are slightly sore boobs/nipples and stretching pains - worlds away from the horrid nausea and tiredness of tri 1 x x
I completely know how you feel Saze... the only thing that reminds me that I am pregnant is the little stomach that is now growing into a pregnant tummy... :) Otherwise I feel my normal self... MY GP says to enjoy this time because in 2-3 months we will be wishing we had it back... :)
I've had nothing. First few weeks in tri 1 i had really sore boobs and heartburn. Now I just have heartburn. Only difference between pre-pregnancy and now is the fact i have bigger boobs and a tummy!! xxx
I'm almost 16 weeks and apart from feeling tired and my stomach growing slightly I wouldn't even know I was pregnant. When I don't feel pregnant I moan and when I do feel pregnant I moan! A friend said she felt exactly the same so I'm just trying to enjoy feeling normal!

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