Not hungry ...........


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2008
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Well just seeing if anyones the same??

i tend to eat less now then i did b4 i was pregnant, and i never ever get hungry i tend to have to force my self to try and eat 3 meals a day :shock: and some times clean for get

its all new to me as with my first i was like packman eating every thing a saw but this couldnt be more different

i do tend to eat healthy stuff when i do eat but not coz im trying to do that its just coz that what i fancy - fruit / veg/ salad / milk hmmm crazy

im so sure this is going to be a girl as the pregnancy and bump is sososo different from when i ad my lil boy............ just wondered anyone the same??
Yep me too. I'm down to two meals a day and no snacking in between! No chicken (just dnt fancy it atm!) Its very very odd!!
I wasnt eating much at the start was totally off everything but im ok now and managing to eat ok maybe more than usual actually never use to eat breakfast now always do.

maybe just a little stage u going through.... xx
Yep me too. I'm down to two meals a day and no snacking in between! No chicken (just dnt fancy it atm!) Its very very odd!!

im the same really gone off chicken... xx

i never feel hungry... i used to be STARVING by tea time and could not wait to eat but now i justy eat it cos i need energy and think its good for LO xx
I'm the complete opposite I can't stop eating!!!!

iwas really hungry at 1st but now seem to be able to have breakfast and not feel hungry for ages. been trying to make sure i do eat but like you said sometimes forget cos i dont feel hungry. xxx
I always heard that if you have a big appetite you're expecting a boy,so you might want to start buying pink outfits ? lol
oooo well im eating all the time and im team blue maybe thats right x
Yeah im the same, oh and mum go mad! I feel guilty but cant help it though, i look in the fridge and there is seriously nothing i ever fancy. Seem to be living on toast and green bananas at the moment! xxx
heidi the bananas in sainsburys are lush try em hee hee

i keep thinking of plums
Thats where they are from! I dont live far from there so im always in there, have to be green though and quite hard, dont like them going brown xx
do you get there own i love em they dont taste the same from anywhere else i went in there after my scan to buy a cute pink dress and all the clothing bit was sectioned off and they had nothing i was gutted
Yeah, not buying special ones... same with their grapes i buy their own, special stuff is too expensive. Haha... They are messing round changing it about i looked through the door in the sectioned off bit and just saw shelves with cds and dvs... hope they put the clothes back! xx
yeah i seen all that too so ran to boots and bought 1 from there lol i love the grapes too mind i love all there fruit
Usually when i read things on here i build up my own pic of what things are like but its sooo weird that i can actually picture where u are talking about! Ha! xx
lol i try imagine things too i read gemma's breast feeding blog and find myself imagening what the places she talks about are like them i think wonder if they have any booby clubs in wrexham lol
ooohhh thats interesting to know... so im lookin more girly if thats the case xxxxx
Definetly true.

I'm having a boy and everyone in my office now knows to hide thier food because I will eat anything in a 10 mile radius given half the chance

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