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Not feeling right


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2006
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Hiya everyone, as it says up there really, am not feeling right today, baby has been breech all along and the only movements I feel are right down as low as can be, I also think I've got SPD and the pain can be really poo at times. Not feeling blooming like I should be. Anyone else not having a lovely second trimester, do you think bubba will ever turn around? I know it's early days but has been breech for last 5 weeks!
Hi Ellie :wave:

Sorry to hear you are feeling low. What does the MW say about the baby? I am sure there is plenty of time for him/her to turn around yet.

My first son was breech towards the end of my pregnancy at around about 36 weeks. Miraculously he had turned himself around when he was delivered a week later.

Try not to worry too much. I'll bet before the baby grows a bit bigger he/she will have to move around to in a more comfortable position for delivery.

Sorry you're feeling pants. Nothing useful to say other than I hope baby turns soon and gives you a bit of a break. xx :hug:
THanks guys, I am sure the baby will turn but every time LO kicks it feels like she'll put a foot through my cervix, the baby for as long as have felt it has been that way round. I dont seem to get any other movement. This pain is getting me down, I work shifts and spend a lot of time standing, ny the time evening comes it hurts to do anything. Sorry to be moany just feel fed up! I know i have a lot to be gratefull for!
At my scan last week i was told that my baby is breech at the moment to and that he is very comfortable as his feet were in the same place as his head. I get movement very low down to like air bubbles trying to escape from somewhere theyre not meant to (sorry sounds a bit wrong) it also sometimes makes me want to wee.

I am always getting pains in my hips, pelvis and lower stomach area to, infact i have had them all day today.

If the you standing up all day is causing you so much pain then request that they find you a sitting down job as they have to cater for your needs at work, if not you could consider taking early maternity leave?

Hope you feel better soon.
I'm sorry you're feeling rough :hug:

This is my first so I can't give you any advice, just wanted to send a :hug:

Nikki x
Sorry you are feeling rubbish :hug:

I agree that you should ask your work for a sitting down job even if it's for a while. I have downloaded some stuff off the directgov website as although I don't see any problems for me at work it's nice to know where you stand.

Even if they agree to let you do a sit down job some of the time or just for the next few weeks then it may just give you break.

:hug: :hug:

Sorry you feeling like this i think a few of us are having a rough time in second tri. I hope you start to feel better and dont worry just yet about baby being breech
Hiya, just wanted to say thank you to you all, for your kind wishes. I dont wish suffering on anyone but it's good to know your not alone sometimes. I mentioned on another thread that I think I have that symphsis pubis dysfunction and it has just been getting worse over the last week. I am usually so active with my two littlens to contend with, I think I should try to slow myself down! Was so painfull last niht it made me cry. As for my job I'm a student, it's quite difficult when on placement to ask them if I can sit, I don't want them thinking I am taking the Mickey!!
Sorry I really hate moaning but know you lot understand!!
Thanks again
I havent been told what position my baby is. But yes hun, i too am in pain in the groin area, i'm constantly bunged up and i'm tired and i'm getting backache!! I think babies move around lots until about 28 weeks when they start snuggling into a position x
It's pants isn't it? I think this will be my last pregnancy, I really want to enjoy it and have good memories. Up until now it's been fab, I think I should slow down, but its easier said than done!
SPD in my opinion is grossly underrated! People kind of assume its just another pregnancy moan but I had it first time round and can really sympathise. Can you try and get hold of a support belt, it looks like one of those stretchy tubular bandage things but sits around your bump, it helps to take some of the pressure off making it slightly more bearable (although still not pain free).
Other than that I can still sympathise I just feel like c**P most of the time. :( I'm so knackered but maybe thats having a toddler to look after too eh. I am a misery too. not a very good advert for a blooming second tri!!! Hahaha. Anyway good luck I hope it will all get easier for you. I will stop moaning now!! :shock: :oops:

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