Not feeling pregnant :(


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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Hello, Sorry I've been quiet for the past few weeks but I feel so unpregnant that I can't believe that I actually am still. I've been watching the forum and it's been nice to keep up to date with whats happening with all of you.

Since 8 weeks I've hardly had any symptoms. My boobs don't feel sore. I feel tired but I often do when I work hard anyhow. I've only had one morning of sickness since 8 weeks too. Half of me thinks enjoy it but the other half fears the worst. I have a friend who is so excited that she already started buying things but I can't even look at the stuff.

I am still waiting for a 12 week scan appointment date - I hope I don't have to wait too long. I am so hoping that my mind will be put at rest and I'll then actually start enjoying being pregnant.

Sorry to moan....I am sure that I'd be moaning if I had strong symptoms too :wall:

Aww I'm sure everything will be ok Bubalu :hug: It might be worth ringing up your hospital about your scan date, just to hurry them along. I'm sure once your see your LO wriggling around in there you'll feel loads better :hug:
I know exactly what you mean.I have no symptoms really compared to others. The only thing that makes me think its still happening is that I keep getting up 2-3 times in the night to pee! If i don't do that then I panic. I've been looking up past threads on this and alot of people go through the same and don't have alot of symptoms so try not to worry too much and enjoy the fact that you're not suffering as much as others. Easier said than done I know.
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I've got loads of symptoms but still don't 'feel' pregnant all the time either, its so very odd :think:
With Isaac I had no symptoms except tired ness for the first month, yet I felt very pregnant with him :think:
I hope you find yourself enjoying being pregnant very soon because its all over so quickly, very best wishes :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thank you for your replies. You are all so right. I've decided to be more positive. I don't want to get the confirmation and then regret having been so negative for the past weeks. If I'm honest, there are some symptoms....even the negativity is probably hormonal lol. My brain has turned to mush too!

It's time to think happy baby thoughts!!! :D
Bubalu said:
Thank you for your replies. You are all so right. I've decided to be more positive. I don't want to get the confirmation and then regret having been so negative for the past weeks. If I'm honest, there are some symptoms....even the negativity is probably hormonal lol. My brain has turned to mush too!

It's time to think happy baby thoughts!!! :D

Glad your feeling more positive! I lost all my symptoms last week, but i've heard this can be normal. I don't have any bleeding etc, so I'm hoping my body has just dapted to the hormones!

I lost all my symptoms earlier this week for 3 days and convinced myself that something was wrong (little spotting also). Booked a private scan and saw trouble was waving at us with a good strong heartbeat.
I now feel even worse than I did and have gone from eating everything in sight to trying to force down some toast and spending far to much time on the loo. It's amazing how symptoms can change overnight.
You'll probably start feeling awful again soon.
I was EXACTLY the same! I kept praying for some morning sickness just to confirm that I was pg! Your scan can;t be far away and really a positive test is a positive test! You can;t easily get a false positive as they are testing for the hormone only produced if you are pregnant. Keep the faith and be grateful that you can function normally- for now! :hug:

Boy do I know how you feel... I haven't have any symptoms for a couple of weeks now and I'm starting to wonder why.

I've been thinking the same. I'm putting it down to it being a scary time, a lot of us are approaching the 12 week mark and desperate to make it. I think paranoia comes into it a little bit, we're almost wishing for strong symptoms just to "feel" pregnant.

I heard that pregnancy comes in waves of 6 weeks... Apparently, for the first 6 weeks you'll feel one thing, the next 6 weeks you might not feel anything, then you might feel something new in the next 6 weeks. Not sure how true it is though... xx
I just wanted to say I don't feel pregnant - and I am 26 weeks :lol:

I don't know what it will hit me but I hope it will feel more real for u soon :hug:

Try not to worry about things - everything is going to be fab!
I know exactly how you are feeling too.

I already have a son, with him my symptoms were much stronger. I don't know if it's common with 2nd pregnancies to feel less symptoms or not. But apart from being very tired, especially in the evenings and needing to pee more I don't feel pregnant.

I have to keep testing.

I'm starting to get more twinges in my stomach but no cramps etc like with my first.

I expect the morning sickness will kick in for me around wk 6.

Lots of women don't experience strong pregnancy symptoms though.
With my son 10 years ago I had no symtoms for the first trimester at all.

This time I've had really bad nausea, tiredness, mood swings etc
OK you lot, you can stop showing off now :rotfl:

Seriously though, :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

It may make you worry that you don't have any symptoms but that is apparently what things are like for some. Enjoy the fact that you can still have a normal life. The range of symptoms I have had, especially the fatigue, have meant that I haven't had a normal life since July. I don't want to moan lots, I just want you to feel that your lack of symptoms is a good thing. Like you say, maybe once you have had your scan you will feel better. But don't worry. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I know how you feel hun, without a wee sign to let us know things are still developing we don't have a clue...

Just believe thigs are ok and most lucky easing off as your placenta starts to take over...


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