Not 'feeling' pregnant!?


Well-Known Member
Feb 29, 2012
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OK as it says above I'm not feeling very pregnant!

The only symptoms which I had, cramps, have now gone and I'm left with a stinking cold and horrible mood swings :(
I know I'm still early on but I was hoping for something a bit more than what I have! I may well just be being impatient so should just wait for my body to do all the work. I know I sound ridiculous. I need a virtual slap! :wall2:
I didn't realise how worrying Tri 1 would be and I've still got good few weeks to go until I am 'safe'.
On the upside I have seen the doc and have booking in appointment with the mw on 5th april.

Is there anyone else the same or is it just me?
I think everyone feels like this hun, iv felt like that from the day I got my bfp, totally natural. And I havent had many symptoms, well not the usual ones like ms, only now I'm discovering other things happening to my body. I'll tell you not to worry, but I know you will...its natural and I think every lady in tri 1 will tell you the same xxx
Totally normal hun, i was and still am petrified!
I wouldnt worry too much, most sypmtoms dont kick in until 6/7 weeks xxx
I'm nearly 8 weeks and now even my morning sickness has gone! I'm not too sure if Im happy about it or not ..
The only thing thats making me feel slightly pregnant is being wrapped in cotton wool by OH and not being allowed to carry my own handbag! We need to stop worrying and look forward to a nice bump :) xxx
thanks ladies! I tell myself to get a grip and all is fine but well we wouldn't be human unless we worried ourselves stupid!
Nothing to report from me.

I had a cold last week, sore boobs that come and go and sore gums...

I cannot wait for some proper symptoms :shock: :shock:

kitty..can your OH have a word with mine? He thinks I joke when I say I should take it easy and no heavy lifting! hehe I may well be milking it a bit though!
CARNAT...I hear you! Maybe next week..I did read that week 5 should be the start of MS! Well, thats what my app on my phone says anyway! :D
CARNAT...I hear you! Maybe next week..I did read that week 5 should be the start of MS! Well, thats what my app on my phone says anyway! :D

Not everyone gets MS anyway hun so I wouldn't worry!!

I do relish having something more concrete though!

kitty..can your OH have a word with mine? He thinks I joke when I say I should take it easy and no heavy lifting! hehe I may well be milking it a bit though!

haha! It gets very tiring! Im feeling absolutely fine now so being treated like I'm broken instead of pregnant can get very frustrating. OH still doesnt do the washing up though .. xxx
Same boat! 6 weeks and little to report, other than waking in the night for extra loo breaks!

Keep wondering when the morning sickness will hit... :)
I still feel like this hun. All I have is morn sickness but sometimes think that even that's in my head and maybe I'm vomitting due to something else. Sometimes I get the odd stretching pain but not often. I've seen baby twice and can hear hb on doppler so it just goes to show that tri 1 makes us panic naturally. Count yourself lucky :) xxxx

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yah, this is how I've been feeling. Some days I have had no symptoms and worry because I feel no different to normal. But from what I gather, we are not the only ones who wonder if things are ok and there are ladies who have 'been there, done that' who reassure us that it happened to them too. So that helps a little, but still it's natural to worry!
i hated tri 1, it was soo worrying and not alot happens til the end, my early scans kept me going x
so glad that others are feeling the same! I'm not the only one at least :)
I'm the same! I've had no real ms just a bit of nausea. Not going to relax until I have my 12 weeks scan in 2 weeks and 2 days! I'm sure you'll be fine it's totally normal to worry xx
Other than the visible physical changes, Ihave had very few symptoms at all. Sore bb's and bad skin in Tri 1 and now I'm in Tri 2 epic headaches but that's it.

I still don't feel pregnant! I cried with relief at my 12 week scan cuz I was convinced they wouldn't find a baby in there!

You're all lucky, I can't remember what feeling normal feels like :(
Make the most of it girls x
Me too, I'm 5+5 today and apart from feeling tired and sore boobs I feel nothing. I don't want to feel ill obviously but would like to feel something to remind me that everything is moving alone nicely and normally.
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