Not feeling pregnant!


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2010
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Hiya, im 14 weeks and although i have had my first scan and obviously seen my baby, i just dont feel pregnant, im not showing at all, and its really starting to get me down.
Any suggestions?
Hang on in there I was the same but by the time the 20 week scan came I was overcome with emotion and I soon got my bump to show for it. Sometimes i still don't feel pregnant even though I am now getting a lot bigger I sometimes feel I have just gained a lot of weight and cannot get my head around the fact a new baby will be here soon.

I tried to pass the time planning how to decorate the nursery etc until the 2nd scan came, you will soon hear the heartbeat if you haven't already and then you will be on a real high xx
Don't worry. Its normal, I couldn't believe I was pregnant between 14 and 20 weeks - my sickness had gone and I had no bump (just looked a bit thicker at the waist). I'm the same as KellyLou, even though I now have a bump there are times I forget I'm pregnant and times where it just seems so amazing that another person is growing in me. Don't think it will ever feel 100% "real" until I am actually holding my baby! :)
I totally agree with KellyLou and Frankie, Once I got to 20 weeks and now have a smaller but proper bump and not just look like I let myself go on the waistline it really starts feeling more real. Also make a start on buying the things you need between now and the 20 week scan , and you each time you buy something it will help. - Like the cotton wool pleats, and your washbag or labour bag etc , never too early to start being organised, then you have all the things to look at , at home! Have a look on here for a list or third tri has a bag list at the top in the permenant threads. Also start collecting your free samples from the bounty bags to free or cheeper nappies etc. Then you won't feel such a fraud as I did.

Or use these lovely quiter weeks, to get done anything you want to before you get bigger and will feel less like doing it.
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I still don't really believe I'm pregnant now! And I keep thinking that come my due date I will just go back to how life was before, I kinda forget there's gonna be a baby at the end of all this :S
You'll definitely feel it more when you start feeling the kicks though, best feeling ever :)
I feel the same! I never really had proper morning sickness more like constant nausea and I only have had a few strange eating cravings/swings. I don't have a bump and really just feel pregnant. If I hadn't seen my little one on the scan I would be wondering if I even am pregnant! It does get me down sometimes but at the moment I am quite happy not having a bump getting in the way.
aww thank you girls, you have all helped put my mind at rest, just looking forward to hearing my babys heartbeat and i get to see it again in just over 5 weeks, so i cant wait. I know ive just got to keep my head up and start getting things sorted. All this time is going to fly by and that scares me a bit, but everything will turn out well in the end.
dont worry. i said the same thing, then.....i ended up with this massive bump. 17 weeks and look like im 5 months im loving it

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