

Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2011
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ive posted about this before, but i just really need someone to reassure me..

im 18 weeks and 4 days along and although my tummy has swollen a little i just dont have a bump yet. i can feel movement and the heartbeat is really loud and clear on my doppler but i honestly cant shake the feeling that people think im not pregnant. two people at work assumed if miscarried and the others just keep asking where my bump is. its really getting me down. i feel like little smoosh is healthy and growing (otherwise i wouldnt feel movement) but the lack of bump is just really upsetting me. cant tell you how many times ive cried about it to my otherhalf. just dying to look pregnant. instead of feeling everyones doubt. is anyone else feeling like this??
was anyone not showing at my stage but started showing soon after????
just really need someone to put my mind at ease.
Don't worry!!! The fact ur getting clear heartbeat and feeling movement means ur baby is fine! Which is the most important thing!! Just count urself lucky u'll have less to loose once uve had it ha ha xxxx
DON'T WORRY. I've not even BEGUN to show yet and I'm only 2 weeks behind you :). Enjoy the fact that you're staying slimmer for longer ;). And like Lucy.B said, less to lose! As long as baby is healthy and you're healthy that's the important stuff :). Guarenteed we'll both just POP out one day and be like 'WHERE ARE MY FEET?!?'. You're growing a life inside of you which is incredible :D just think about that!!

Make a pregnancy ticker

thanks girls. just cant help but get really down about it you know? every time some one asks me where my bump is i feel like theyre accusing me of not having a baby at all, i know im probably just bein really sensitive but its just really getting me down. im convinced the baby is perfectly healthy. i feel it moving about everyday. and i know thats the main thing, just wish i could stop my paranoia about other peoples opinions! x
Please don't feel down about it, everyone carries differently. My friend and I are 2 weeks apart, she is nearly 23 weeks and I am 21 weeks. I looked pregnant from about 15/16 weeks and she is only just starting to look pregnant now.

We both had scans the other day and both babies are healthy and hers weighs 7 ounces more than mine does!

People will comment whether you are big or small, it's just what they do. I have a decent sized bump ( not massive but certainly not small) and every day someone makes a comment about the size of it, either 'you've grown' or 'bump is looking small today!' . It's just something people want to talk about!

Your bump will definitely pop out soon, and then you will feel massive so just enjoy being small (I know it's hard as everyone wants a bump). Ignore what people say/think, it's not important. What's important is that you and your baby are healthy :)

x x
im having two and dont have a big bump in most clothes i still dont even look like im showing and its my 5th pregnancy :) i no its easy to say not to worry even tho we all do :) xxx
I think I do have a small bump now, but everyone at works thinks I'm not showing at all. I'm not worried about it as I know we will pop out eventually and then we'll have WEEKS of bumpiness! Less bump = less risk of stretch marks which is a definite plus :D Knowing that your baby is healthy is far more important. I can't feel any movement yet and that is what is worrying me, but I only heard the heartbeat on Monday so just have to assume everything is OK.

Just think of those women who never show and never even knew they were pregnant until they go into labour!!! Just shows that everyone is different xx
I wasnt showing until 20 weeks or so and theb it popped! Enjoy being able to paint your toes

sent from my Galaxy s2
make the most of it as i am now starting to find that i cant bend down as easy and thinking is it possible for my skin to stretch even more. Also looks like my belly button is on the verge of popping which is my ultimate fear.
It will come babys obviously very snug xxxx
you really shouldnt worry im 21 weeks and people keep saying to me they thaught i was just fat and not prego. ur lucky to have a small bump im sure its all okay xx
Hey hun, I'm a bit ahead of you and still only have a tiny bump. Plus I read today many people have put on 14lbs by now and I weighed myself this morning and have only put on 7-8lbs. I eat healthily but eat well and don't deny myself anything and the heartbeat is strong and I know every pregnancy is different so I'm not worried. I'm just hoping my bump is progressing slowly, which means less chance of stretch marks :) Also people I speak to are usually really impressed when I say I'm nearly 5 months. No doubt I'll wake up one morning and not be able to see my feet. Don;t worry hun your bump will appear in no time xxx
I had a tiny bump and somehow managed to fit a monster 9lb baby in me somewhere lol xx
People can be really insensitive, and it's hard to ignore them, but try not to let it upset you. Think of it like the other girls have said, that it is a good thing. I am over 20 weeks now and mine literally popped out over a few days round about 19 weeks. It was scary :shock: I still don't look very pregnant in my normal clothes, just like I've got a bit of a pointy belly. Nobody would think I was pregnant unless I told them. If you're happy that your baby is snug and well inside, then those thoughtless people can just b***** off. xx
thank you all so much, this really means alot to me coming from a bunch of people who understand!
thank god for this forum!!!! xxx
Im 17.5 weeks and have no bump at all and have only seen my little ones heartbeat on scan.
I also feel no movement at all yet.
Im sure all's ok x dont worry
also people probably think that by saying ur not big theyre paying u a compliment ha ha, they dont realise how insecure you are about it so i wouldnt worry :) xxxxx

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