not exactly sure whats up


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2011
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i had a positive the other week, then negatoves, then the ther day i had a positive test and then a neg the day after

my symptoms have continnued - in fact my breasts are getting more tender. I'm 9 days late. no bleeding or anything

whats going on!

i mean i know my family have an issue with inconclusive urine tests for some reason, but whatsz goin on guys?


doc wont do a bloodtest until 10th october. (practice policy)

so do i hold and wait? or give up or what?
why dont you go to a family planning clinic? Theyll do the test for free, lie and say your periods a bit later than it is if need be!
I Cant lie. ever. about anything. plus they'll only do urine test, wont they? i need a blood test.
Daft question but are you doing the tests at exactly the same time of the day?

Good luck xxxxxxxxx
Well if you are 9 days late, they should do it still. Ive had them done when only a day late. Yeah it normally is urine test, you could try explaining your situation though and ak them to do a blood test?
my doc wont do a blood test until i miss 2 periods cos they say its common for a woman to miss a period so they dont do one until then which is really annoying.

i did some of the tests roughly the same time... ish... my fmu is generally really weak, but if i hold in my wee till about 11 its strong which is what i did when i got the positive test
If you are going to do more do them after holding it for a bit then, I've seen false negatives on here but not false positives....when you get one or two more you can go to your doctor and shove em up his nostrils :)

Good luck once again hun xxxxxxxxxx
really hope this is it for you hun
lots of babydust xx
Oh i hope it is a positive for you!

Ruddy doctors do they not know how stressful all this is???

apparently not!

i mean it was a PINK line, a liught one but not one that i had to look for, u know? it was there and then not... b ut nothing to suggest that i had miscarried or anything.

i say im 9 days late but i actually - on further calculation - might be 11 days. according to new calculations i should be 5weeks 5 days pregnant if i am pregnant, so its kinda annoying me

however mum didnt show for AGES, 2 missed periods and neither did my cousin who is 5 months along now. maybe our urine is strange lol

i know my last pregnancy did show up in urine at all, or the one before that because i took tests and they were negatove, i ended up mc at 6-8 weeks. i explained this to my doc but she still wont do a blood work, i even spoke to my nurse and the other 2 doctors in the practice and its a no go :(

apparently they were told to cut down their costs by the nhs in their last audit.
I hate it when people do this to me but - my friend at work was over four weeks late before she got her positive!

She was the same as you Doctor refused to do any blood tests she was going mad!

good luck


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