Not even pregnant yet but thinking of names already!


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2010
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The title says it all really!

I love slightly unusual names like (for boys) Bodie, Caleb, Spencer and girls - Jenna, Rhiannon or Kayleigh... but my OH dont like any of them!! Lol...we're already 'arguing' about it!!
Loving Bodie and Jenna (but my names Jenni , so I would be biased there) Never heard of a bodie tho , unusual

I bet after complaining about your name picks, he has not got any he likes!!!
so get him to write down 10 girls and 10 boys names, and you do the same each month, then swap paper and see if any cross over. Keep doing it each month, and in the end you will find by reading eanch others and having to (in OH's case) think about them your choices will cross more and meet somewhere, and you may even find by reading your names, some or one of your favorites grows on him over the months or his on you.

~Give it a try and see
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Very good advice, thanks!! I wasn't sure how I'd break him down so that is definitely worth a go!! Lol...
Well I got to say Kayleigh is a beautiful name :) maybe because its my name lol!
And Caleb is my favourite boys name- and also my OHs fave boys name so Im 100% thats what my babba will be if he comes out a little boy lol!!!
Good taste I must say you have there :) xx
Hahaha, why thank you! You're so lucky that your OH loves the name Caleb too, my fella aint budging at all!! xxx
Its pretty much coz our fave band is the Kings of Leon and the lead singer is called Caleb :) I was quite suprised OH did like it but am very glad :)
HA, that's exactly why I love the name!!! They're my favourite band and I think he is amazing...sadly my OH dont share my enthusiasm for them/him!!! funny?!
No way! Great minds think alike and all that! I remember we were watching them on tv and the presenter said 'great gig Caleb' and right there and then me and the OH were like woowwww thats a cool name! and so its been top of the list since we heard it ageeeesss ago and only since friday when we found out were expecting have we actually realised aww we could be having a son called Caleb! gosh i can waffle on sometimes sorry lol!

Are you TTC? xxx
Hahahaha, thats great and I'm so jealous! I keep trying to push the name on my OH and he is just not budging at all! I've even said I'll just have it as a middle name then and but still no, he's not having any of it!!
Congratulations by the way! Is it your first?
Yeah, we are TTC, have been since December. I'm due on on Monday so keeping my fingers crossed I get a BFP but we can only wait and see! It will be my first but my OH has a Son who will be 10 this year...I'm so excited! Lol...
(Its ok, I can waffle too!)
i love th name caleb its on my list to consider it was a charicter in american gothic a series i used to love
Yep it's my first, won't say it was an accident baby I think saying it's a suprise baby sounds nicer lol I think i'm near enough eleven weeks but I got my first private scan next Monday so will find out for sure then hopefully all is well! Hope u get ur bfp today! hope to see u over in first trimester soon!!!!
JarJar we had baby names before we even started trying!! Brooke or Ellie for a girl and Charlie for a boy. I have slightly changed my mind about Charlie but OH wont budge ha
love bodie and caleb they are on my list aswell. although im finding my list growing and growing.


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