not again stupid leaks


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2010
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After being reassured on thrsday that what I was loosing was watery discharge and must have just wet myself the other week, I had another fluid loss this morning, I had been up for about an hour and then stood up and whoosh felt soaking, I have had a pad on all day so not had to change it but it is wet, not soaking through but wet. I did the lying down test again and just felt a tiny trickle when i sat up so really wasn't much. I am not wetting myself coughing or sneezing or anything like that and didn;t feel like I needed a wee. I know everyone will say to go hospital and get checked out but i only got checked 2 days ago and nothing wrong. has anyone else suffered with wetting themselves and not even realising they need a wee.
I have a leaky bladder and i don't need a wee when it happens...well i don't know its happened until i go to the toilet its awful! Phone hospital or midwife and maybe just mention it? Hope it goes xxx
fingers crossed mine is just the same as yours then shauna, if i have any more i will ring the midwife
I am leaking small amounts and am not sure if it's discharge or urine or whatever! - but certainly doesn't feel like I need a wee or it's a result of losing control after a cough or sneeze.....but mine is just really tiny amounts, yours sounds alot more. Hope everything is ok, just keep an eye on it I guess if you really don't want to phone the hospital xxx
all kids are finally in bed i have had a bath and can now rest and take it easy, i will see more about the leakage now i am able to lie down properly and see what happens later. I am not going to take a silly chance if I am still leaking and will ring hospital if it still leaking, even if they say i'm wetting myself.
sorry girls i went to my mums yesterday for the day so never got to the computer, just having the watery discharge now so all seems good again, so exactly the same as last time.
hmmmm, hope all is well. Did they swab you on ur visit? xxx
no they just made me lie down for half an hour put me on the trace machine then they had a look at my cervix and said cough and she said normal watery discharge, i said ok. and its written in my notes discharge watery? just checked them now, cant read alot of the writting though which doesn't help. I think the doctor only checked me cause my bump had not grown in 2 weeks, i was only at the hospital discussing my induction but thought i best mention it as no growth in bump.
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shame they didnt sawb - i'm sure with my 1st they swabbed me to check it was waters
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yes they swabbed me with my 1st and said if it changes black its you waters and it did then they said test not very accurate so we going to send you home anyway lol. my 3rd they made me do the lie down test after a scan showed waters gone. i'm sure a scan would be alot easier

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