Not a sausage


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2006
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Havent had one single sign that this baby is coming anytime soon.... :wall:

The only things I have had is increased discharge and the odd indigestion/windiness.

Il be highly suprised if I go naturally with this baby. :think:

Why does the last week drrraaaagggggg???
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

don't think you should start panicking yet hunny plenty of days to get some signs before friday. sending you positive vibes xx :hug:
rusks said:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

don't think you should start panicking yet hunny plenty of days to get some signs before friday. sending you positive vibes xx :hug:

Thanks babe! Im not panicking I just feel so heavy, lethargic and frustrated and having the end in sight is such a tease!
people keep telling me not to get fixated on the due date but it can't be helped can it, i would feel exactly the same!! :hug:
Lee is driving me mad today, he keeps asking when the baby is coming!!! If only it was that easy huh!!??

We are going to try some duvet action later, see if this gets thinhs going, why not try some afternoon delight babes, see if you can get things going???? :wink:
Jade i was 8 day over due and was convinced i would end up having to be induced but i had ewan albeit with a bit of asisstance at the end.
Think positive.
Thanks everyone...its just like being on constant tenterhooks, feel like its never gonna happen and I still have 6 days before my due date!!

Now Vicki is in due next how exciting! (Not that il pop next!)
Oh Jaidy - I feel like that now with four weeks to go!
But I'm sure this one's coming early!

Hang on in there and enjoy your last few hours/days of pregnancy.

Not long now and could happen at any minute so get some sleep if you can, eat choc, watch telly and spoil yourself!

L x
Jaidy, you will have your baby before you know it. Can't believe you are excited for you! Sending you lots of happy labour vibes! Make the most of sleeping while you can - I am exhausted!
Don't wish it away hun, i know how u feel though but when your lil man is here the time just flys by, my lil mans growing up to fast :cry:
i never had any sign that nathan was going to come unlike others i just woke up and halleluja things had started. blooming due dates are a nightmare you spend the entire time fixated on that one day and they hardly ever come when there supposed to, i went over by 12 days! i remember hitting the 37 weeks mark and thinking anyday now, how wrong was i , just make the most of the time youve got left eat, sleep....

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