Not A Happy Bunny


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2011
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Been to the hospital this morning, strapped up to machine to check little man's heartbeat and movements and scan to check fluid levels. All was absolutely fine, so was expecting to be sent up to ward for my induction, as previously discussed at my MW appointment last week.

However, during my monitoring the MW I had explained that there was no room to be induced until Saturday :shock: Apparently, everyone seems to be overdue and needing an induction. She was really nice and booked the last avaliable appointment on Saturday of 8pm. The next avaliable one was the following Saturday!!!!!! Bank holiday nightmare! I did get lucky with my appointment.

But I feel VERY miserable right now. I know I will swing this mood around and feel grateful to have a healthy baby still thriving in my belly as well as appreciating the fact I got the last appointment, but right now, I am fat, fed up and miserable :-(

Sorry ladies for ranting, needed it off my chest. I was so ready for today and now it's been snatched away.
oh poor you!i thought they only let you get 10days over and they induce you but i must be wrong :(
hopefully something will start for you before then, good luck hun x
Oh bless you, really glad you managed to get the last induction slot. Hope LO gets a move on before that though xx
Oh no, least u managed to get the last induction slot! Good luck for Saturday xxx
:hugs: I can imagine how disappointed you're feeling, I would be feeling the same. Lucky to get the last slot for Saturday though. FX LO comes on their own before then xxx
awww bless :( soo glad u got the last slot on saturday xx
Awww bless you Hunny hope your ok and you get to meet your little man soon Hun xxxxx

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poor you :sad:

hopefully baby will come before then & you wont need the induction :pray: xx
Oh no, how frustrating - but at least you did get a slot for Saturday. Hope your LO decides to make an appearance before then though x
Thank you everyone! Feel a bit better now. Come on baby boy!! xxx
how frustrating getting all ready for induction today only to be told no. I think I would have burst into tears lol Glad u have another induction booked, but hope ur lo makes an appearance before then xx
O how frustrating! Fingers crossed baby comes before Saturday tho!!
Oh how annoying!
Saturday isn't very far away though, and anything could happen before then xx

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Poor you! :( Fx LO gets a wiggle on + makes an appearance before Saturday! xxx

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