Normal to worry if the baby is ok?


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2010
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Maybe a silly question or concern, but I find it hard to relax and keep thinking about what if the baby is "ill" or something is wrong with her.. I am very concerned about it.. Got a strange feeling that the baby wont be normal, its really stupid! I have had all scans and just been told the baby seems fine but cant relax!!
Could it be because my daughter was very ill the first year when I had her?? :roll:

want to stop thinking like this!!
I would say its normal, we all find things to worry about and if you had a bad experience in the first year with your daughter then this will just add fuel. I'm so scared when I don't feel mine wriggling all the time that somethings wrong, and when he does have a kicking spree I get worried he's in distress and is trying to tell me!
hey hunni :hug:

I can honestly say that I too have thoughts like this. I seriously put it down to reading stuff of the net and hearing others' stories.

I had my DS 14yrs ago at the age of 19 and I didn't have access to the net then and he had to be a planned c-section. I took it all in my stride. Obviously I did have concerns about him being alright, healthy etc but it was nowhere near as obsessive worrying as it is now for me. And my DS was perfectly fine.

You're probably right, that due to your DD being ill in the first year after birth, that you're stressing more wondering if your LO now is gona be ok or not. I'm sure its hard to not think that way.

Pregnancy is just one long stress bubble...and its not until we have that little bundle in our arms and see for ourselves that they are gona be ok, that the worry fades away.

I can only send you :hug: hunni and say that every pregnancy, birth and baby is different so try not to worry...but that's so easy for me to say eh. Hope you're ok. x
Hi, it is a worrying time for any woman in pregnancy hun.. xxx
I would say its normal, we all find things to worry about and if you had a bad experience in the first year with your daughter then this will just add fuel. I'm so scared when I don't feel mine wriggling all the time that somethings wrong, and when he does have a kicking spree I get worried he's in distress and is trying to tell me!

I also worry that baby is moving too much, i think its because I feel the movement more with this one compared to first. Sometimes it feels like he/she is trying to escape.

I've also got this whole thing where I think...i've had 1 perfect baby (probs with pregnancy & birth but overall perfect when born) and whats the chance of me having another "perfect" baby.


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