No sypmtoms?!


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2010
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Hey Ladies!

So this is our 1st official month TTC baby no.1. I am coming to the end of my cycle and we have decided to wait until next Saturday to do a test which will be 2 days after my AF is due (if she hasn't already arrived!).

I haven't had any symptoms what so ever and am kind of thinking we haven't managed to concieve this month which we're not too worried about because it's the 1st month.

I don't think I am pregnant but my OH is keeping positive. We've BD'd every day except 3 days this month! lol

I just wanted to know if any of you have had no pregnancy symptoms what so ever and have still got a BFP at the end of your cycle?!


Claire xxx
Symptoms vary so much from person to person that I don't suppose it means anything if you get lots or none, to be fair. Symptom-spotting can be a full-time job :lol: and this month I have decided that I'm using OPKs, things seem to be going ok with them, and if I'm late, I'll test and try (and I do mean try) not to worry about it.

Good luck lady! :dust: Here's hoping it's both our months :D

(My friend that is now pregnant and due a scan in the middle of March had no symptoms whatsoever and is , obviously, pregnant. The only thing that made me think that she was , was that she "blew up" at her husband over nothing. She thought it was a sign of PMT...I was right when I thought otherwise! :lol: )
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Thanks Toffee Pop! Guess i'll just have to wait and see next Saturday!!

Hope you get your BFP this month too! :)

Wow, every day except 3 days? That's commitment! You do realise that if you get a bfp this month there will be a LOT of exhausted oh's of people on this board next month! :lol:

Good luck hon and lots of :dust:
Gosh! I'm surprised you can walk straight!!! :rotfl:
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You are definitely putting yourselves in with a good chance then! :dust:
lol I was quite happy to BD every other day but my OH was convinced that if we didn't BD at least once every day we'd miss out on the 'big day'! The three days we've missed out have been in the last week because we've decided that if i'm not pregnant this far in my cycle we'll need our stamina for next months! ha ha ha ha ha

My OH is absolutly convinced i'm pregnant even to the point that if i said 'my eye hurts' he'd say 'thats coz your pregnant'! Bless him he's so excited!! Every night he talks to my belly button and say's 'swim you little buggars, swim' ha ha ha ha :lol:
Hi Clairebear

When i was pregnant with DD i didnt experinence any symptoms except cramps in my back. I remember crying with them because the pain was so bad. But other than that, i was symptom free until i started showing.

Hope you get your :bfp: this month
Thanks Chelly baby.

Thats made me feel a bit more positive about testing on Saturday!

I did have a bad back in Saturday & Sunday and just put it down to sleeping wonky! :lol:

No back pain at all today though!

Ah well I guess all I can do it wait until Saturday!

Thanks Ladies

My friend has just told me that she didn't have any symptoms at all with any of her 3 girls until she was at least 6 weeks!!! She said the only indication she had of being pregnant was a missed AF! She didn't get sore boobs or anything throughout all 3 pregnancies! She only had morning sickness for a few weeks and that was it!!

So now i'm keeping positive and praying I get my BFP on Saturday!!!

Good luck to all who are testing soon!!

Baby dust for you all!

hehe we try and BD everyday when i dont have AF just incase, hubby is starting to complain he is tired now tho hahaha!

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