No Symptoms


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2008
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Hi i know your all going to think im mad...but i want all the symptoms of pregnancy, ive only got the achy period type pains and spotty skin but i want everything elso too, i miscarried in feb and am scared it will happen again so at the moment without many symptoms i just dont feel pregnant!! Dr dating me aprox 6 wks and im booked in with midwife on 3rd june so ill be aprox 8 wks then, they wont give me early scan as ive only had one miscarriage. I just wish i felt pregnant....does anyone else have no symptoms? xx
The only symptoms Ive had are period pains at the beginning and sore just think yourself lucky!!
Some women sail through pegnancy and dont feel any different, so dont wish all the yucky symptoms on yourself.I know people that have had every symptom going and have m/c or suffered blighted ovums, so it really cant be an indicator, every one is different!

:hug: :hug:
I had every sympton in the book until about 5 days ago, i know its worrying and i know how you feel cos i woud like at least some of the symptoms back. its easier said than done but just try and enjoy your pregnancy, we dont go through it often so we should enjoy it whist we do x
Try not to worry! I know that must be hard but like morning sickness is said to start for most women around 7 weeks etc so you may get them yet still!! :hug:
I've hardly felt anything this time round, I had the achey pains a few weeks ago & my boobs are bigger & a bit sore but that's about it!

With my son I didn't even know I was pregnant unti overl 6 weeks, I didn't have any symptoms until then (then started throwing up morning noon & night!).
i havent had anything yet really. if i think about it really hard i have been an uber moody cow, and feel a little bit queezy and really tired but then again im generally always a bit tired and a bit moody! 3 weeks ago a stick with a + on it said i was preggers but now nothing, i cant wait for my bump!!!
Hi hun, I didn't get much til around 7/8 weeks. I never had sickness and only really had slightly sore boobs and headaches (being tired and weeing lots were also a couple that came along soon after).

You'll be wishing you never said this if sickness starts lol xx
Nope i havent had ANYTHING at all really.. absolutely nothing.. just period pains, mainly to my right, not too sure why.. Just feels like a lot is going on down there, not too sure what though..

I'm not gonna wish morning sickness upon myself though i would like some symptoms.. And ive totally lost my appetite which is odd.. I ate a piece of chicken at 12.30 today and im not even hungry now.. im really off food, but not feeling sick..

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