No symptoms?


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2010
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Hi ladies, this is my first post in tri 1! :dance:

Just wondering... I'm only 15 dpo (or the equivalent, as we had IVF so didnt strictly ovulate), but feel TOTALLY normal. No sore or swollen boobs, nothing. Is this normal? I figured that Id 'feel' pregnant or something??

Symptoms can start at different times for different women so dont worry, I am sure you will start feeling something soon! :)
Thanks Rachael, I'm sure when they start I'll be looking forward to them stopping again :) Just looking for some reassurance from my body that this is actually happening! :)
The only thing i ever got hun was sore nipples and that wasnt until a couple of days past when AF was due. I was extremely lucky and had no sickness at all. I only suffered with the sore nips and tiredness xxx
Im pretty sure its normal hun
I felt totally normal for the first few weeks....and then it hit me like a tonne of bricks lol

If I were you Id be happy to be feeling normal for as long as you can :)
Try not to worry , I still have no symptoms and have be assured its ok :)
OMG Bead! Congratulations! That's fabulous news :yay: :yay: :yay:
I have had no symptoms from day 1, i still don't feel pregnant...apart from gagging when i brush my teeth and this has only started recently xxx
I have just sore boobs - strange pulling feeling - similar to breastfeeding feeling (those who are mums already will know what I mean). I am also very very tired but apart from that nothing!!! Its all good..... Last pregnancy I felt very sick but was never actually sick so will wait and see what happens this time - I'm just sooo excited!!!
Hi Bead :wave:
My preggo symptoms have kicked in with a vengeance in the last week; I am an emotional mess, my nipples are killing and I am tired constantly. Also I am on and off my food which is v. weird!
Everyone is different though and you may be lucky enough to have little or no symptoms as some women do x
Thanks all for the reassuring info :)
OMG!! I haven't been around in a couple of days and I am over the moooooon to see you in tri 1!!! told you to stay positive!

I had ZERO symptoms with Lucas, none at all. Until I was heavily pregnant of course and I had the symptom of being fat and fed up lol.

Chances are your symptoms will hunt you down and strike with avengance or you will get off scott free. I bet you can't wait to be throwing up everyday just for reassurance after the journey you have taken.

I'm so pleased for you chick, I hope you have a happy and healthy 9 months :love: xx
I have noticed my back pain is worse and I also now have niggly pains like AF pains but then again I am still at the implantation stage. Yesterday I got 2 hot flushes (I was exercising though) and felt just a little light-headed. Better slow down and not push myself so hard eh? I'm sure they will just hit you with it when you wake up one day - or if you are one of the lucky ones, enjoy feeling great!!
I got sore boobies briefly (went up a cup size) and they dissapperared. now at 12 weeks tommo I've started having sicky feeling and backache and tiredness! So it might just be for a short while and it will come and get u like it did me! X
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Hey Jennyf,
Not much to be honest :oooo:. Had slight cramps last night, and a strange tingly sensation in my chest on and off today.
I keep doing hpts every day to reassure me Im actually pregnant! :)
Awww - I don't blame you, I've done about 6 myself!

Enjoy the lack of sickness, it's bl00dy horrific! x

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